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iHV Insights | Tongue Tie – it’s not clear cut

Calling all members – bookings are now open for our August iHV Insights webinar – Tongue Tie – it’s not clear cut’.

This webinar is on Thursday 15 August 2024 (join from 3:15pm to allow a prompt start) 3:30pm to 4:30pm.

This is open to all members.

Tongue tie (also known as ankyloglossia or restricted lingual frenulum) is caused by a short membrane under the tongue which can restrict movement and function. It may not cause any problems, but in some cases, it may cause feeding difficulties. However, not all tongue ties are the cause of feeding problems.

Tongue tie is thought to affect approximately 1 in 10 babies, and NHS data indicates it is on the increase with more parents seeking support and tongue tie divisions (frenotomy) for their babies. Health visitors and skill mix teams are ideally placed to support families and their babies with feeding difficulties and connect them with appropriate services for further assessment and support, but it’s not clear cut. There are significant gaps in research on this topic, with further research needed to inform practice. As a result, across the UK there are wide variations in service provision within the NHS, criteria for referral, waiting times for assessment, views on treatment and follow up, and this is creating much discussion.

At this Insights event, we continue the discussions. Those involved in research, service delivery and a user of the service will discuss and share their knowledge and experience to support health visiting practice.

How does this event align to the 2022 NMC Standards of Proficiency for SCPHN Health Visiting?

Attendance at this event and engagement with the iHV reflection template will support you with demonstrating CPD activities that align to the NMC (2022) Standards of Proficiency for SCPHN Health Visiting, in particular:

  • Sphere of Influence C: Promoting human rights and addressing inequalities: assessment, surveillance and intervention; C.HV2.
  • Sphere of Influence D: Population health: enabling, supporting and improving health outcomes of people across the life course; D.HV8.
  • Sphere of Influence F: Leading and collaborating: from investment to action and dissemination.


  • Amanda Holland, iHV Professional Services Lead
  • Helen Smith, Infant Feeding Co-ordinator and BFI Project Lead, Swindon 0-19 Public health Nursing Service


  • Phyll Buchannan – Breastfeeding Network Tutor and Supervisor. Patient and public involvement representative and co-investigator on the FROSTTIE RCT.
  • Sarah Winspear Health Visitor and Infant Feeding Lead, Redcar and Cleveland, and Laura Paterson, Specialist Midwife Infant Feeding Lead, South Teesside, present on the development and implementation of a tongue tie clinic and share evidence of early outcomes.
  • Rosie Duck, parent with experience – shares personal experiences of her baby’s tongue tie, management, treatment and outcomes.

How to book

Our booking process has changed,

Login with your iHV member email address and password – you must have ‘validated’ your membership for this to work.

Once you have logged in, click on the “+” symbol below to reveal the “Register now” button.

Event Details

iHV Insights | Tongue Tie – it’s not clear cut

1 hour

Virtual | Zoom

Free to iHV Members

Event Date

Thursday 15 August 2024

3:30pm - 4:30pm

Do you have any questions about this event?

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