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Unintentional injuries, commonly referred to as ‘accidents’, are a major cause of morbidity and premature mortality for children and young people. There is a strong link between unintentional injury and inequality, with children from the most disadvantaged families far more likely to be killed or seriously injured than those from children of more affluent families. Death rates for injury and poisoning have fallen for all social groups except the poorest: these children (under 15 years of age) are 13 times more likely to die than those from better-off families (Edwards et al., 2006; Siegler & Al Hamad, 2010; Audit Commission, 2007).

Our exciting new training package draws on the knowledge and expertise of our colleagues at the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT – to provide theory and practical skills to support practitioners to work effectively with parents and carers to improve health outcomes.


Reducing Childhood Accidents options


Child Accident Prevention Health Visitors Champions Training

We are now able to add a brand new subject to our highly acclaimed ‘Champions’ training portfolio, which will offer participants the opportunity to take up a cascade training role for their organisation. As health visiting has moved to Local Authority commissioning, Accident Prevention Champions will be ideally placed to contribute to multi agency training

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