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Background to programme

The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) is partnering with the NHSE Genomic Education Team (formerly Genomics Education Programme GEP) to deliver education and training to meet current learning requirements of health visitors, to embed genomics in their day-to-day practice, recognising their unique role to support babies, children and families within universal NHS care during their early childhood.

Following a survey in 2023 (n=715) in which genomic learning needs were identified by health visitor respondents, the inclusion of genomics in practice to the professional NMC post registration standards all health visitors are required to revalidate to, and national developments in the application of genomics to newborns, we have been working and refining a new Genomic Ambassador programme.


iHV Genomics Ambassador Programme options


iHV Genomics Ambassador Programme

Aim The iHV Genomics Ambassadors programme will equip health visitors with the knowledge to apply and promote genomics within health visiting practice in their local area. Objectives Following training the Ambassadors will: be equipped to be place-based leaders raising awareness of genomics in their local area and connecting with wider genomic provision in the NHS.

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