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This programme has been designed to inform health visitors about the purpose, structure and content of the ‘Emotional Wellbeing Visits’ guide for practice. It aims to ensure that health visitors are confident and competent in using an evidence-based integrated assessment and intervention framework to underpin the support they offer to families in the perinatal period. The programme is offered selectively to other professional groups – ask for more information.

On completion of this programme, participants will:

  • Understand why the recommendations in the 2014 version of the NICE guideline in antenatal and postnatal mental health provided the catalyst for change to health visiting perinatal mental health practice
  • Understand the rationale for the development of an integrated assessment and intervention framework and the structure, process and content of the ‘Emotional Wellbeing Visits’ guide for practice
  • Have explored practice pertaining to psychosocial assessment, psychoeducation and assessment
  • Appreciate some of the challenges encountered in identifying and supporting parents with mental health problems
  • Have been introduced to some basic strategies that might help to promote family emotional wellbeing
  • Understand the importance of the therapeutic alliance and the therapeutic contract
  • Appreciate some of the challenges in tailoring strategies to the needs, preferences and circumstances of families
  • Have expanded their repertoire of strategies that help to promote family emotional wellbeing
  • Understand the importance of measuring satisfaction, progress and outcomes

What is Awareness training?

The Awareness format of training is excellent for growing knowledge and confidence across the workforce. The Awareness training aims to offer the same high quality learning experience as our Champions training, to support participants to develop their understanding of the assessment and intervention framework so that they can apply it in practice.

Following training, the participants receive access to resources for consolidation of their own learning only so that they can implement the framework with selected families. There is no access to materials to support a cascade of Awareness training (see Champions for this format of training).

What is Champions training?

The Champions model of training is excellent for sustainability and growing the capacity of a workforce to meet its own needs for future training. Following training, the Champions can use resources provided to undertake a cascade of awareness training to colleagues (where agreed locally).


Emotional Wellbeing Visits Programme options


Emotional Wellbeing Visits Awareness Training

This training programme is designed for participants own Continuing Professional Developments to equip them to use the assessment and intervention framework to support families who may need emotional wellbeing visit (“listening visit”) support . It covers the content described in the main page with a pace of delivery, activities and depth of discussions that vary

2 Days
Health visitors (and selected professionals)

Emotional Wellbeing Visits Champions Training

This training programme prepares participants to undertake a ‘Champion’ role, equipping them with materials to deliver a cascade of 2 day awareness level training for colleagues using materials we provide.

2 Days
Health visitors (and selected professionals)
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