
  • 18 June 2025 – Booking Now!

Cost of places:

  • £180 (no VAT) – flat rate – delivered in partnership with the Active Pregnancy Foundation

How do I apply?

For more information and how to apply, please download and complete the This Mum Moves Ambassador application form and send to

This Mum Moves (TMM) Ambassador Training is a half-day training event that will equip professionals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to discuss physical activity during pregnancy and after childbirth.

The training is delivered live via Zoom and will provide learners with access to a digital toolkit to support conversations and further learning. It will also provide participants with the resources to facilitate the promotion of physical activity, including cascade and promotional materials. This training has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office and equates to 3 CPD points

This training is aimed at professionals who work with and have regular contact with women during their childbearing years. The learning objectives are:

  1. To be familiar with the evidence base for physical activity during and beyond pregnancy, including national guidelines and activity level definitions;
  2. To effectively promote physical activity using the Chief Medical Officers’ (CMO) physical activity guidance;
  3. To provide appropriate and timely advice, guidance and signposting to trusted resources;
  4. To be able to access resources to support physical activity conversations and engagement; and
  5. To understand the role of a TMM Ambassador in raising awareness and increasing physical activity engagement as part of a healthy lifestyle.
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