Hi Slyvia and Laura thank you for replying.
I agree there is no or little difference between emailing and posting it to parents as long as their is a explanation on why it is being done and the context of it. I think the concern is about it being done remotely without the review being completed with the parent, child and professional all together.

We know that the EDPS has been misused in the past with it being sent by post or being done over the phone or in a clinic setting. The concern is that the ASQ could also be used this way.

Hi Elizabeth

Where can I find more info on the Karidane tool do you have a link? I Googled it and nothing came up?

Hi Catherine

We have used the WEMBS the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale a validated tool developed by Sarah Stewart Brown. Quick and simple to use and can be used by HVs to at the start of an intervention or piece of work and then at the end to show if parental well being has improved. See herehttp://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med/research/platform/wemwbs/ Health Scotland use it and it can be self administered it is on the NHS Choices website see herehttp://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Documents/Wellbeing%20self-assessment.htm. We use it at Family Links before and after a parenting course and it shows a definite shift. I have also use when working with parents on sleep issues. Very useful for commissioners to see evidence of outcome from health visiting input.

Hi Catherine

We have used the WEMBS the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well Bing Scale a validated tool developed by Sarah Stewart Brown. Quick and simple to use and can be used by HVs to at the start of an intervention or piece of work and then at the end to show if parental well being has improved. See herehttp://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med/research/platform/wemwbs/ Health Scotland use it and it can be self administered it is on the NHS Choices website see herehttp://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Documents/Wellbeing%20self-assessment.htm. We use it at Family Links before and after a parenting course and it shows a definite shift. I have also use when working with parents on sleep issues. Very useful for commissioners to see evidence of outcome from health visiting input.

Thanks for these links Robert

Thanks Robert 🙂

Hello we are looking into the Karidane tool which explores parental confidence following HV intervention

Hello we are revising our 6-8 week contact and are looking into how other areas use their HV resources at the contact. We are in the process of adding a 4 week contact for first time mothers/vulnerable and a contact at 3-4 months for all vulnerables (linking into mental health pathway in addition to exploring infant mental health). Commissioners are keen for us to jointly work with GPs to look at BMI for the mother and smoking status at the 6 -8 week review. Has anyone got experience of this or a HV tool/assessment used at 6-8 weeks?

Hello all, I’m working on a Briefing for Local Authorities on this topic. Maggie Fisher’s book is an excellent source, although the contemporary context is, of course, substantially different. Please do feed in to this thread any additional specific sources that might be of use. (Zoe, I have Maggie’s book on loan so although I can’t pass it on, you can have a look. Text me if you wish to arrange).

Hi I am new to the forum. I would like to know if any of you are using the MORS SF assessment tool, and what training you have undertaken inorder to use the tool.