Hi funnily enough I had the same conversation with my CPT last 2 weeks. I checked WHO and they strongly advise against it especially within the first 6 months and to stick to breast milk which according to them is about 88% water. Baby has all the water they need in the breast milk. see below. hope this helps

Why can’t we give water to a breastfeeding baby before the 6 months, even when it is hot?

Online Q&A
July 2014

Q: Why can’t we give water to a breastfeeding baby before the 6 months, even when it is hot?

A: Giving water to young babies puts them at risk of diarrhoea and malnutrition. Water may not be clean and cause the baby to have infections. Giving water may also cause the baby to drink less breastmilk or to stop breastfeeding early and therefore cause malnutrition. If mothers give water instead of breastfeeding it will also cause the mother to have less milk in the future.

Breast milk is more than 80% water, especially the first milk that comes with each feed. Therefore, whenever the mother feels her baby is thirsty she can breastfeed him or her. This will satisfy the bay’s thirst, and continue to protect the baby from infections, and help the baby to continue to grow well. Babies do not need water before they are 6 months old, even in a hot climate. This is one of the reasons that WHO recommends for children to be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life.

A child is considered exclusively breastfed when he or she receives only breast milk, without any additional food or liquid, even water, with the exception of oral rehydration solution, drops, syrups of vitamins, minerals or medicines. When breastfeeding, the mother gives her baby all the water he or she needs, while providing “safe water” and protecting the baby against diarrhoea.


Apologies I can’t attach the file will try again later

As far as I know the evidence is in the ASQ-SE user guide. The UCL study mainly focused on the ASQ-3. But did include a small section on the ASQ:SE.

How are the HVs teams planning to roll out the ASQ:SE. Capacity is an issue – and skill mix undertaking the ASQ:SE. Developing a referral pathway is a challenge. We are meeting with CAMHs and community Paeds.

I would like to know more about this

A couple of my mums have attended circle of security courses and benefited so much

Thank you very interesting

Revalidation completed and very easy process. I found the reflective discussion very rewarding and actually felt that there was a more robust process in place than previously and not onerous as I had expected!

Update from Zoe Ralph who posted in the Fellows Forum
“Hi Maggie, as far as I am aware it would break the license agreement. In the trust where I work we have to post them to parents and then they bring to the clinic. Just recently received the ASQ- SE forms / Cd and it was also stated in the information there also”

Just thought I would share as I found this very helpful

Hi Zoe

Thanks that is really useful to know

Hi Zoe

Thanks that is really useful to know