this is the same in my area – all attendances for children 0 – 19 are shared with the HV and SN service
Archives: Replies
Please do share here your questions, ideas/proposals, resources.
Anything specific you are thinking about? I’m sure many would have difficult scenarios to share.
Hi Louise, did you get a placement?
I went to flying start wrexham. They were absolutely brilliant, such a lovely team. Maybe you could try for your final alternative
Great thanks for sharing Sarah
In my area we have shared record keeping using SystmOne so all children and adults on a Healthy Child programme caseload are automatically tasked to us. The person seeing them in out local MIU does not make an active decision to share the informaiton
Will you put a review on when you’ve read it?
Maybe it could be tweeted out or a twitter chat around topics on the forum?
Hi Maggie Did you manage to find any information out on the Karidane tool?
Thanks Zoe
Hi Diane In my trust we are using emis web – what is the difference with emis community?