Hi Dolores, look at the research by Heather O’Mahen and Netmums as their research used Behaviour Activation. Christopher Martell has written and researched extensively on BA. It is easy to use in the perinatal period when women are juggling caring for a baby and targets the behaviour in the cognitive triangle as opposed to CBT which targets thoughts.

Hi ,
Does anyone have contact details for Catherine Lowenhoff please? In Blackpool we are looking at how we use listening visits for PMH and are looking to introduce Behavioural Activation. I’d be interested to know her thoughts.

There are quite a few areas I can think of.
I. The 5 mandated core contacts not being done by HVs
2. The commissioning of the service and whole tendering process and the competition this engenders.
3. The huge drop in the number of HV students being trained this year
4. The removals of the ring fencing around the PH grant and the implications this will have for the future of the health visiting service.
5. The number of visits HVs are expected to do daily. It is true service provides expect 7 a day? Most HVs say 4-5 a day with admin and inputting is the most they can manage.
6. How do we measure the quality of the HV service? It all seems to be about numbers and contacts.
7. The fall in the number of HVs again and the reduction of HVs in practice as there numbers are being cut as skill mix is on the rise again.
8. The increase in mobile working and the implications of this.
9. The cuts in the LA services and Childrens Centres and the impact this had on the HV service.

I could go on… I am sure there are many more. It would be good to hear how other areas are rising to these challenges and some innovative management and practice around these areas.

A lot of this thinking and sharing is something we will be exploring at the iHV Leadership Conference on December 5th.

No but sadly have heard it suggested before. It is very worrying that it is even being considered as an appropriate way of doing a NBV.

No but sadly have heard it suggested before. It is very worrying that it is even being considered as an appropriate way of doing a NBV.

Hi Louise

I am going to b at CPHVA conference inn Wales and will be meeting with Welsh Colleagues so can ask if this helps.

Hi Louise

I am going to b at CPHVA conference inn Wales and will be meeting with Welsh Colleagues so can ask if this helps.

Hi Louise

I am going to b at CPHVA conference inn Wales and will be meeting with Welsh Colleagues so can ask if this helps.

Catherine Lowenhoff is writing her PhD on Listening Visits Past, Present and Future. She has been working with the North PIMH Forum on this and hopes to create a framework for listening visits. In the iHV PIMH training there are resources that can be used to support HVs deliver these. It is an area that I am looking at locally too.

Hi Shelley, are you still in post in vulnerable families team? We are in the process of setting up a vulnerable families team of HV’s & a SN and it would be good to find out about your experience.