Hi Leah we only use EPDS if clinical judgment of HV thinks it is required or if there is a past or present history of mental illness. Following several Serious Case Reviews locally we are now offering all families where there is a current concern with mental health a CAF this is a recent introduction so not sure what the impact of this will be for families yet.
Archives: Replies
Hi, I am working with our Children’s center lead at the LA to plan a couple of events. One event for professionals – across the children’s workforce and another event for families were they can experience taster sessions of activities that will help them connect, relate to and enjoy their babies. We will be contacting all media via the PR offices of the Trust and LA.
Would be good to hear what others are doing too!
Hi, we also use the EPDS and record in the same way. We now have to complete an EPDS at every 6 week contact, which can be difficult when a mum is adamant that she has no concerns. So far no one has refused, beforehand it used to be done on professional judgement if you were concerned about a mother. Are HV asked to complete one for everyone in other areas?
In Oxfordshire there has been a public consultation about the future of Children’s Centres with the LA proposing a move from 44 CC to 8 Resource Hubs with a focus on Outreach and working with those most in need. We are waiting for the announcement next week as to whether this is the model they have chosen. As a local MP David Cameron made his views clear that the CC should remain which did not go down well with the Conservative Leader of Oxfordshire CC.
Pre health visiting I was a Continence Advisor and always talk about continence, pelvic floor exercises and importance of these exercises for future as often young women don’t see the relevance of doing their PFE. I also talk to partners about PFE for men. We have specialist physiotherapists and GP’s can refer to them but sadly not HVs. I did look at women in the GP practice I was a student with continence issues and their childbirth experience which was really interesting.
hello this is a test
I was think of just rehashing my HV portfolio and linking some things into the domains as a starting point of collecting evidence. To be honest mine isnt due for ages so I havent looked into it properly yet, but am concious that it will come around quickly. We have thought about doing some action learning sets within our team to help generate some ideas.
Hello all – a key topic to be well prepared on! Thank you Leah! Don’t forget to check out our resources on revalidation under our Training and Events tab for loads of starter ideas for evidence. Why not add to these in discussions? It should be about drawing from what you already have – not looking to create new evidence and more work.
My work wardrobe consists of a collection of smart trousers, shirts, tops and jumpers. Nails are short, tidy and without varnish. Jewellery is a wrist watch and a plain wedding band.
My employing NHS Trust has a uniform policy which identifies a no jeans, nail polish, false nails, flip flops or low cut tops. Not unreasonable in my opinion.
If Health Visitors wish to be seen and considered as Professionals then they should dress in a way that depicts this; wearing denim jeans and coloured nail polish does not say “Professional ” .