good question Karen. I hear a wide variety of teaching skills being taught. It would be good to hear from students around the country
Archives: Replies
Totally agree with Maggie, it is a very interesting read and should be shared.
Hi Maggie
Yes I will do that – it’s to good not to share everywhere.
Wow thanks for sharing and an intreating thread as well. It would be good to share this in the evidence hub I think
Glad you enjoyed it Zoe it is a great workshop isn’t it? So helpful for thinking about out presence an how we present ourselves. One of the best tips I was ever given about speaking on the radio was to smile before you spoke as this warmed your voice and changed the tone of your voice.
I find the iHV resources on revalidation so useful and helpful. It is a case of being disciplined and organised and writing things up as you go along so it is an ongoing reflective process
I find the iHV resources on revalidation so useful and helpful. It is a case of being disciplined and organised and writing things up as you go along so it is an ongoing reflective process
In Manchester we have just started to do training on promotional guides
Really good as allows the parent to guide the conversation with the professional.
No I could find the article but not the questions. I wondered how it compared to using the EPDS antenatally. I suppose it’s about risk rather than how they are feeling at that time.
Looks a promising development Kate I’d like to see what the 25 questions are but can’t seem to find any copy of the questionnaire.