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Reply: #7091

I have previously worked for Salford Royal Foundation trust and was one of the first health visitors to wear a uniform out of my team. I found the uniform reduced my DNA rate on my caseload. I had to explain to families that I was not a midwife on the first visit and the role of the health visitor but that was also a conversation I had when in normal clothes. In my opinion, it did not seem to create any barriers with my relationship with the families. Some of my longer term families did not even noticed that I was wearing a uniform untill I pointed it out at the end of the home visit. The uniform did give me a corporate identity and profesional image but on a personal level it also allowed me not to have to consider what to wear in a morning. The trust wear I am working now are starting to have the discussions with staff within the health visiting service in regards to uniforms. Some of the specialist health visitors such as the BCG HV are already in uniform and they feel comfotable wearing a uniform and have not reported that this has affected the relationship and the service that they deliver.

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