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Pippa Atkinson

iHV Expert Adviser: Infant Feeding

iHV Expert Advisor: Infant Feeding


Pippa Atkinson is a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and is currently a National Institute of Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaboration Northwest Coast (NIHR ARC NWC) doctoral fellow. Pippa works as a Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) one day a week and is the Baby Friendly Initiative Lead for Health Visiting.

Having joined the University in 2020 Pippa was instrumental in achieving the Baby Friendly Sustainability (Gold) Award for both the midwifery and SCPHN programme. She worked as a Specialist Health Visitor in Infant Nutrition for six years and led the Health Visiting Services and Children’s Centres in Nottingham City to become accredited as Baby Friendly. It was this experience which motivated Pippa to explore how the care provided to mothers by staff employed by organisations accredited as Baby Friendly, meets their emotional and practical needs for her doctoral studies. Pippa hopes to use the infant feeding narratives she has obtained through her doctoral research to develop an augmented reality training tool.

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