iHV Expert Advisor: Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition
Professor Sarah Redsell is Professor of Children’s Community and Public Health, Director of Research and co-lead for the Centre for Children and Young People’s Health Research in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham.
Sarah has a clinical background in health visiting, together with research skills in applied health psychology. She has an international reputation for research, exploring overweight prevention during infancy, in particular, developing and implementing tools and training into healthcare professional practice.
Sarah co-developed Babies at Greater Risk of Overweight (BABYGRO), a Reusable Learning Object (RLO) for health visitors, to improve identification and management of childhood overweight risk. Sarah has recently received funding from the National Institute of Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) for the Caregivers Responsive Infant Feeding Behaviours (CRIB) project. This project will co-produce digital information resources about responsive infant feeding with caregivers and health professionals.
Sarah has been a member of the Expert Advisory Group for Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition since 2021.