The iHV along with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have been involved in shaping a project, funded by Health Education England and led by NHS England Benchmarking, to collect data from maternity and health visiting services, focused on perinatal mental health provision in universal health services. This very important data will complement previous data collections within specialist mental health services, thus contributing to an overall picture of perinatal mental health provision in England.
A short data specification has been prepared and sent to all CEOs and Heads of Children and Maternity Services. This work has great potential to act as a lever for really enabling women and their families to receive the right care, at the right time, in the right place. There are organisational benefits to participating as all participants will receive a toolkit to enable local analysis and all organisation will have access to their own bespoke report detailing local positions against the national range. Data collection runs until the 24th March and reporting of the findings is due in late May.
If you require further details, please contact Jessica Walsh at [email protected].