Irene’s Ghost is an award winning feature documentary about a son’s search for information about his mother he never knew. The birth of his own child inspires a journey to discover the truth about Irene, who passed away when he was a child. Piecing together fragments of the past to make sense of the present he uncovers a long held secret. Using animation mixed with filmed footage Irene’s Ghost movingly rebuilds a lost life.

It’s an emotional detective story revolving around a family secret, which opens up into a study of memory, mental health, identity and the bonds of love and friendship.

Irene’s Ghost launched in UK cinemas with a Q and A tour from 3 May 2019.

Vicky Gilroy, Projects and Evaluation Lead, Institute of Health Visiting, attended the screening launch this week and said:

The film is so moving and conveyed some really important messages about Iain’s journey to discover what had really happened to his mother. The sensitive, but also human, approach he took to the film I feel helped it to speak and connect to the audience, showing the reality of living with the impact of maternal mental health for Iain and his family. The film raises the significant and enduring stigma of mental health in society and how he connects with his past and father were beautifully portrayed. The importance of creating understanding and support for families is emphasised. Personally I would encourage wider showings of the film as it has relevance to society as a whole.

The Q&A session was emotional, hearing the lived experience of a mother who has had post-partum psychosis gave further impact and relevance to the illness Irene had experienced many years ago.

The film has just been awarded Best Feature Documentary at the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival, and is being screened there today, 4 May 2019, in Glasgow at the GFT: GFT Tickets. The festival has just published a Q&A with Iain, that you may be interested in reading.

Check for tickets and new screenings