The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has a new funding stream available for nurses who wish to develop projects working with homeless or vulnerably-housed people.

Apply for up to £5000 to develop an innovation project to improve homeless health in your local area, and gain professional and personal development for yourself through attending three two-day leadership workshops during 2018 for project leaders.

Applications must focus on the health improvement of a group of patients. This can include people:

  • who are homeless
  • who live in Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities
  • who are in prison
  • who are asylum seekers, refugees or undocumented migrants
  • who work as sex workers
  • who have drug and alcohol problems.

Projects can focus on any issue relating to improving the health, care and wellbeing of people from any of the above groups.

How to apply

Apply for the QNI Homeless Health Project Fund by 5pm 29 September 2017 – by completing the application form and returning it to the QNI.

Please see QNI application guidance notes (in the link below) for eligibility criteria, required documents, project duration and monitoring, and application process.

For more information

If you wish to discuss your application or for more information, please contact David Parker-Radford, Homeless Health Programme Manager on 020 7549 1410 or by email .