The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) is currently developing some new fully-funded fellowship opportunities that it plans to make available from early next year. These new fellowships will only be available to individuals based within local authorities and LA commissioned services.

These two pilot schemes are being designed to support individuals based in local authorities or local authority commissioned services to develop as health and/or social care researchers.

Pre-doctoral Fellowships for Local Authority and LA Commissioned Service Based Individuals

The scheme will fund individuals of any profession to undertake Masters level academic training and prepare an application for a doctoral fellowship whilst retaining their existing employment and practice.

Indicative timescales

  • Application forms available: 28 January 2021
  • Deadline for application submission: 18 March 2021
  • Award uptake by successful applicants: from 1 September 2021

Doctoral Fellowships for Local Authority and LA Commissioned Service Based Individuals

The scheme will fund individuals of any profession to obtain a PhD by research whilst concurrently developing their professional skills within their existing employment.

Indicative timescales

  • Application forms available: 1 March 2021
  • Deadline for application submission: Late April 2021
  • Award uptake by successful applicants: From 1 April 2022


A survey of local councillors responsible for children’s services confirms an increasing crisis in children’s social care, with the overwhelming majority (87%) saying that demand for local authority support for children and families has risen over the past two years. The findings suggest many councils are struggling to provide this help.

The new report, published by the National Children’s Bureau, found that two-thirds of councillors have warned their council doesn’t have enough funding to provide universal services for children and families.

It also found 41% of councillors said a lack of funding was preventing them from meeting their statutory duties to children, with 36% saying there was insufficient funding to help children in care.

The report – Off the Radar – calls for increased funding for children’s social care, better data collection and sharing, and a cross-Government strategy for improving children’s lives.

Dr Cheryll Adams CBE, executive director iHV, said:

“Health visitors, now commissioned by the local authorities, provide the universal preventative service for children and families. It’s alarming to see the effects of decommissioning on both children’s public health and social care services.”

The Secretary of State has announced £8m funding available for Maternity Safety Training.

All Trusts are being encouraged to apply with a minimum of £40k to be allocated to every Trust.  Bids will go to the nominated Regional Leads who are undertaking the shortlisting process; this will be followed by a panel review to determine the level of award to each Trust (this can be up to £80k).

The deadline to submit bids is 5pm Friday 18 November 2016.

The iHV is proud to sign a letter to The Times calling on the Government to secure funding for health visiting services – The nation’s health is at stake.

The letter from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) calls on the Government to halt health visitor cuts, in order to prevent further deterioration of the nation’s health.

Five years since the launch of the Government’s Health Visitor Implementation Plan, which invested significant funds in training more that 4,000 new health visitors, posts are now being cut throughout England.

According to the latest workforce figures, the number of health visitors in England has been falling since the start of 2016, with a significant drop of 433 posts between March and April alone. Anecdotal evidence suggests that this drop is just the start of a significant reduction in the number of these crucial services, due to cuts in Local Authority budgets.

The RCN letter to The Times, signed by major health organisations including the RCPCH, the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI), the National Children’s Bureau and the iHV, calls for health visitor funding to be protected to secure remaining services and their major contribution to public health.

The letter aims to illustrate the crucial value of health visiting and the detrimental consequences cutting these services could have for children and families.

The letter’s publication corresponds to today’s RCN round-table event to collectively look at how to minimise the public health cuts.



As a partner and a member of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) operations group, the iHV is delighted to share this good news.

Launch of independent evaluation of Everyone’s Business Campaign

Today, Tuesday 19 July, sees the launch of the independent evaluation of the MMHA Everyone’s Business Campaign.

This evaluation highlights the substantial impact the campaign has had; the reasons for the impact, and where the campaign will need to focus in the future.

Please find below the direct links to the Briefing Paper (just two pages) and the full report:

Please use #everyonesbusiness when mentioning in social media!

MMHA Everyone’s Business Funding announcement

Also, hot off the press, fantastic news! Comic Relief confirmed that the follow-up funding for the MMHA and the Everyone’s Business Campaign has been secured! See below:

A grant of £750,000 has been secured from Comic Relief.  This is intended to:

The grant will continue to be hosted by Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) on behalf of the MMHA

MMHA says:

a huge thank you for all your on-going support – the outcomes of the evaluation and further funding is a reflection of how well the alliance has worked collectively.