We are delighted to announce that bookings for our iHV Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Conference: ‘Healthier Beginnings’ are now open. We will be returning to King’s House Conference Centre in Manchester on 8 May 2025 – with options to join us in-person, or online, to give you flexibility.

This year’s iHV EBP Conference will showcase the latest health visiting research, evidence, clinical expertise and lived experiences, equipping practitioners with newfound knowledge and skills to ensure that all babies and children have a healthy beginning to their life.

Our vibrant iHV EBP Conference gets bigger every year and has become a health visiting calendar highlight for practitioners looking to deliver excellence in practice and connect with colleagues from across the UK.

The title of this year’s conference, ‘Healthier Beginnings’, is very poignant, especially with the new Government committed to raising the healthiest generation of children ever. The challenges that our babies, children and families face have been laid bare – we are now collectively focused on delivering solutions.

A first step towards achieving change is to start at the beginning…if we are to change the story, we need to change the beginning of the story. And health visitors are in a privileged position to play an important part in this, with practitioners and researchers from across the UK leading the way.

Join the discussions – be part of the solution at iHV EBP conference 2025.


We are delighted to be joined by many inspiring and prestigious speakers, including but not limited to:

  • Professor Jamie Waterall – Chief Public Health Nurse Office, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, who will be speaking about building health visiting capacity and capability to deliver change.
  • Sally Hogg – Early Childhood Associate Director, Programme and Impact, The Royal Foundation Centre, who will be speaking about the Royal Foundation Framework for social and emotional development.
  • Professor Jayne Brown Professor of Health Care, Nottingham Trent University, who will be sharing the health visitor delivery of the surviving crying support service for parents.
  • Michele Lawrence Head of Safeguarding, Chief Public Health Nurse Office, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, who will be speaking about improving safeguarding and child protection, including the debate on “smacking”.
  • Sally Shillaker – Practice Development Lead for Genomics, Institute of Health Visiting, who will be sharing a new era of learning about The Generation Study and its implementation.
  • Alison Morton– CEO, Institute of Health Visiting, will deliver her keynote presentation titled, “Drive change – do it with the evidence”.
  • Plus, more to be announced soon!

Top-scoring abstract submissions from health visitors, researchers and leaders in practice will also be featured, with authors presenting their work on a range of public health priorities and health promotion topics. We will be adding their details to our programme soon, once final confirmation is received. Their wide range of interesting presentation topics include:

  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
  • Child Safety
  • Infant feeding, Healthy Weight and Nutrition
  • Strengthening the Health Visiting Workforce
  • Child Development
  • Respiratory Health
  • Health Visiting Service Models
  • Parenting challenges (focussing on domestic abuse and alcohol misuse)
  • Quality Improvement in Health Visiting

Don’t miss our special early bird ticket rates, available until 21 March 2025 – extra discounts and concessions are available for iHV members, iHV corporate members, early booking and group bookings of 5 or more.

Find out more and book your place

  • Are you a health visiting team member contributing to a health visitor-led service improvement initiative, which is aimed at improving outcomes for babies, children and families? (for example, oral health, healthy weight and nutrition, infant feeding)
  • Are you a health visitor with innovative ideas and successful initiatives that have made a difference in the lives of children and families?
  • Are you a researcher or academic with examples of cutting-edge developments in health visiting practice, innovation or research?

Then don’t delay – submit your abstract today to join us at iHV Evidence-based Practice Conference 2025 “Healthier Beginnings”. It will be held at King’s House Conference Centre in Manchester on Thursday 8 May 2025.

Healthier Beginnings

Call for Abstracts

With a new government and changes in nurse leadership across many UK nations, we are entering a transformative era for child and family health in the UK. Change brings opportunity, and health visitors across the UK are poised to lead our profession into the future. We believe in the power of innovation, research, and evidence-based practices in health visiting to create a brighter, healthier future for all babies, children, and families. Our impact is amplified when we unite and learn from one another.

Join us on our conference platform in 2025

Connect with local, national, and international experts and speakers to share your developments in health visiting practice, innovation, and the latest research aimed at addressing health inequalities and improving health outcomes for babies, children, and families. Be a part of this important event and help shape the future of health visiting.

Why submit an abstract?

Top-scoring abstract authors have the chance to present their work as an oral breakout session speaker, a concurrent session speaker, or even a plenary keynote speaker. You can indicate your preferences in your submission and allocation of presenter sessions will depend on scoring and topic selection.

The benefits of presenting include:

  • Recognition: Raise your own profile as a speaker at a UK-wide conference
  • Showcase your work and raise the profile of your organisation
  • Networking and learning: Connect, collaborate and learn from other practitioners working in the field of health visiting and family public health
  • Boost your career: Add your experience of presenting to your curriculum vitae (CV)

Important dates:

  • Submission deadline: 7 October 2024.
  • Notification of acceptance: After an iHV peer-review process, participants will be informed of acceptance of abstracts for either oral keynote/concurrent presentation, or an oral breakout presentation, by 24 October 2024.
  • Conference Date: Thursday 8 May 2025. Successful entrants will receive a special 25% discount on their conference ticket. If your organisation is paying for your ticket, please ensure you have their approval prior to submitting your abstract.

We look forward to reading your abstracts and hearing about your practice innovations and research!
Any questions – please email [email protected].