Applications are invited for a PhD studentship – Children’s and parents’ informed and voluntary consent to major medical and surgical treatment.

Fees and tax-free stipend will be funded by the ESRC and London Bloomsbury Colleges for 3 years, full time, starting October 2017. The student will examine the sociology, philosophy, ethics and law of consent, competence, autonomy and practical decision-making and will undertake qualitative research informed by the sociologies of healthcare and childhood, and by critical realism. Data collection will involve direct and online contact with 40 families and with healthcare professionals in two medical specialties that the student will share in choosing. They hope BAME candidates will consider applying.

Supervisors: Professor Priscilla Alderson and Dr Katy Sutcliffe, Department of Social Science, University College London, and Professor Susan James, Department of Philosophy, Birkbeck University of London.

For application form and details about how to apply see

For informal queries about the post contact Professor Priscilla Alderson [email protected]

Closing date for applications by email, 16:00 on 9 March 2017 to Bloomsbury DTC Administrator [email protected]