Reports to support commissioners in improving the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.

These reports describe the importance of mental health and wellbeing among children and young people and the case for investment in mental health. They also summarise the evidence of what works to improve mental health among children and young people in order to inform local transformation of services.

Local authorities are charged with commissioning children’s public health services as part of a wider remit for children’s services.

This new briefing for commissioners of children’s services provides an overview of the central role that health visitors play in reducing unintentional injuries in the under-fives, along with the associated high personal and financial costs to children, families, communities and society.

Unintentional injuries in and around the home are a major cause of death and disability among the under-fives in England.

Please share this Local Authority Public Health briefing with your local commissioners – along with the other briefings in the series (under the “For commissioners” section on the link below).




A #wellbeing approach networking event took place in Durham last Friday (30 September), as part of County Durham’s Joint Health and Wellbeing  strategy – where one of our iHV Fellows, Hilary Earl, secured a stand to promote health visiting as well as the iHV and her local Ready Steady Mums group.



Gill O’Neill, the interim director of public health in County Durham, made the opening remarks at the event that has been 2 years in the planning .

The event also coincided with the Macmillan fundraising week, which was well supported.

"Working together for Wellbeing" cake at County Durham Health and Wellbeing event

“Working together for Wellbeing” cake at County Durham Health and Wellbeing event

Attendees enjoyed several carousel-style workshops – learning about local health initiatives ranging from Health Trainers and Community Parents to Health Visitors and School nursing services.

With the focus on wellbeing, there were energising activities throughout the day for the delegates.


The iHV stand was well visited and the resources were popular.  Plus Hilary used the opportunity to promote their local Ready Steady Mums group in Spennymoor.

RSM Spennymoor poster at County Durham Health and Wellbeing event

RSM Spennymoor poster at County Durham Health and Wellbeing event

Hilary commented:

It was fabulous networking and a great example of excellent joint working with our commissoners.