iHV welcomes the Bercow: Ten years on report and its recommendations, published by I CAN (the children’s communication charity) and The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) on 20 March 2018.
In particular, the iHV welcomes the recommendation that Public Health England should support the development of national health visitor training on identifying and supporting SLCN.
Bercow: Ten years on reports on the state of provision for children’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in England. It lays bare the current picture of services for young people with SLCN and makes informed recommendations of what must be done to improve the situation at a local and national level.
Through extensive evidence gathering, I CAN and the RCSLT collected the views of children and young people, parents and carers, speech and language therapists, education professionals, commissioners and many others about the reality of support for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs in 2018. This included information from the iHV’s State of Health Visiting Survey 2017 which found that 74% of health visitors have seen a rise in the number of children with SLCN.
The report shows poor understanding of and insufficient resourcing for speech, language and communication needs. This means too many children and young people receive inadequate, ineffective and inequitable support, potentially impacting on their educational outcomes, their employability and their mental health.
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