The Institute of Health Visiting wishes to reconfirm that it always seeks to ensure its activities and publications comply with the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative. We have never and will never take sponsorship from the formula milk industry.
The Institute welcomes and supports Unicef UK’s Call to Action campaign – calling on MPs to commit to protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding both locally and nationally.
On Tuesday 5 December, Unicef UK is holding a drop-in event for MPs, to tell them about their “Change the Conversation” Call to Action and asking them to make a pledge to:
- Commit to making their workplace breastfeeding friendly
- Support their local health services to become Baby Friendly
- Champion the Call to Action campaign in Parliament.
This is where Unicef UK’s campaign needs your help. Constituents’ voices are so important in raising MPs’ awareness of these issues and the need for action.
Please write to your MP encouraging them to attend the event to make the pledge. This link takes you to the Unicef UK campaign page where you can fill in your information to identify your local MP, create an email which is already prefilled with important information, and then just click to send it – it’s as simple as that!
By making this simple pledge, MPs will show that they recognise the importance of breastfeeding to the health and wellbeing of babies and mothers, and are committed to taking action to support it.

By The original uploader was Ellywa at Dutch Wikipedia – Transferred from nl.wikipedia to Commons., Public Domain,