Congratulations to Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust’s (SCFT) Healthy Child Programme in West Sussex which has received an OUTSTANDING result for Stage 2 Baby Friendly accreditation by UNICEF.
SCFT’s Health Visiting and Infant Feeding Teams underwent a rigorous assessment process to provide assurance that they deliver the very highest standards of care. SCFT received Stage 1 Baby Friendly accreditation in July 2015 and were “highly commended”.
Stage 2 of the Baby Friendly Initiative assessment assesses the level of knowledge and skills of staff that are providing breastfeeding support and care for pregnant women, mothers and babies.
SCFT is now working towards Stage 3 accreditation. Assessors will interviews mothers across West Sussex to assess if they have been given antenatal and postnatal advice and support by their Health Visiting service as required by UNICEF Baby Friendly. SCFT aims to pass Stage 3 and to be fully accredited as UNICEF Baby Friendly in 2017.