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Our Voices blog articles are interesting reflections on events attended, and comments by policy makers, health visitors and others.

14 June 2016

Ruth Hudson, Health Visitor Practice Teacher, currently on a part-time secondment to the iHV, reflects on the inaugural ...

10 June 2016

On Thursday, iHV's Robert Nettleton visited a drop-in for breastfeeding mums in Sale, Trafford where Jo Bolton and h...

8 June 2016

Better Start Bradford - Helping our parents understand they are really important in providing positive brain building ...

7 June 2016

As a Fellow of the iHV and an Infant Mental Health (IMH) Champion, I am really passionate about the importance of IM...

31 May 2016

We fully support Sport England's move to focus on helping inactive people in the UK get active. Our programme Ready S...

18 May 2016

A guest blog by Jo Frost, TV parenting guru, to launch the BookTrust #BathBookBed campaign to encourage families to stic...

16 May 2016

The Surviving Crying Study is a first step in developing and evaluating routine NHS services to support parents whose ba...

28 April 2016

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust & West Sussex County Council show innovative joint working to set up the integ...

27 April 2016

Jayne Hollinshead, one of our Fellows, shares her experience of setting up a new Ready Steady Mums group in Walsall. ...

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