7th June 2016
As a Fellow of the iHV and an Infant Mental Health (IMH) Champion, I am really passionate about the importance of IMH and the role that health visitors have in this important area of public health.
Infant Mental Health Champions training
Locala Community Partnerships, an independent Community Interest Company providing NHS community services to over 400,000 people in Kirklees and beyond, has supported the training and development of the health visiting workforce by creating two Infant Mental Health champions. As one of the IMH champions, I undertook the iHV champions training, and then we cascaded the training to our HV colleagues – so our health visiting teams are in a strong position to support high quality evidence-based care for the families and communities we work with.
Local IMH projects
IMH is such a complex area and to achieve good outcomes requires an effective partnership approach. Locally we are ensuring this is happening through the Nurturing Parent project which sees health visitors working alongside the Local Authority. Health visitors also work in partnership to support the delivery of an antenatal programme for parents of Kirklees. We have also just been accredited with Baby Friendly level three status.
IMH Awareness Week
IMH week of action shows just how far we have travelled as a society in respect of understanding the importance of IMH. Exciting times are ahead for IMH internationally, nationally and, at a very local level, Locala, CAHMS and our Local Authority are currently exploring opportunities to develop an Infant mental health service!
Locala is delighted to be supporting infant mental health week with access to social media, blogs and various web sites throughout the week. #IMHAW16