Celebrating Progress – Nursing Division Health Visitor Service Transformation Projects for England

16th December 2015

NHS England allocated service transformation funding (as part of the national Health Visitor delivery plan) 2013 and 2014 to all Area Teams and as a result, some 42 projects were delivered.

NHSE_report_coverThe ‘Celebrating Progress – Nursing Division Health Visitor Service Transformation Projects for England’ report provides an overview of the funding process and project development. It presents summaries of the projects in order to illustrate the types of initiatives that were delivered, and the impact they have had on service provision, along with a means of sharing best practice, learning and resources available

This report is dedicated to providing a compendium of the projects outlining the project plan, partners, deliverables, impact (or expected impact), resources for sharing and contact details of project leads to facilitate sharing of best practice across the system.


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