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Get the latest news and updates about our work in developing and supporting high quality health visiting practice. Our activities aim to improve public health outcomes for all children, families and communities. For press enquiries about our work or to request an interview with a spokesperson, please contact Julie Cooper ([email protected] or 07508 344716)

29 November

We are delighted to share 2 new briefings in the "Why a HV?" series around the 5 mandated visits: Why a HV?: 6-8 we...

29 November

The Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group has published a new infographic: E-cigarettes in pregnancy: information for pre...

29 November

Newborn babies should not be screened for the muscle wasting condition Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, according to the UK ...

26 November

NHS England today sets out plans to provide more support for pregnant women and new mums suffering mental illness as wel...

25 November

Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including: Congratulations to four examples of...

24 November

Health Education England (HEE) Making Every Contact Count (MECC) website has been newly updated to provide all those wit...

24 November

Congratulations to Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust’s (SCFT) Healthy Child Programme in West Sussex which has rec...

23 November

The iHV is delighted to share new Good Practice Points on Working with migrant families for our Associate members. Th...

18 November

The iHV is delighted to share new Good Practice Points on Reducing the risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip for ou...

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