20th February 2017
The iHV is delighted to share a new addition to complete its very popular “Why a HV?” series of briefings around the 5 mandated visits.
“Why a HV?: New Birth Visit” covers knowledge and skills to support the second of the mandated visits. The new birth visit is part of a series of reviews that health visitors undertake in the context of a valued relationship of trust established with parents from before the birth of their child and based on their knowledge of the family and community, as well as their direct assessment of their child’s development at this critical stage.
The review therefore requires knowledgeable and skilful assessment, observation and relational skills to identify and act on any concerns, and to promote positive health and developmental outcomes amongst which are: High Impact Areas 1, 2, 3 and 5.
These excellent briefings, written by Dr Robert Nettleton, can be used by Service Leads who are redesigning their service specification with their local commissioners.