12th October 2020
We’re looking for health visitors who are interested in becoming an Ambassador for Changing Conversations within their local area.

Changing Conversations is an exciting new project focused on a range of new online resources for health visitors to support their role with children with autism and their families. Supported by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, the iHV has co-developed these resources in partnership with families and field experts which will be available as part of a digital toolkit via a unique login on the iHV website
Sign up to join one of our free training days to find out how to promote and lead the importance of family-centre support for families of children with autism as an Ambassador for Changing Conversations. These free training events will be virtual (via Zoom online platform) and have been designed to be interactive, including expert speakers, parents with lived experience, and introduction to the resources.
The aims of the training day are to:
- Increase understanding and insight into the impact of autism on families
- Equip health visitors to be local Ambassadors for Changing Conversations
- Introduce and provide resources to support and cascade best practice
- Opportunity for networking
Resources include:
- Good Practice Points
- Parent Tips
- Parent and child stories
- Films
- Case studies
- One-hour awareness session to cascade your learning to your team
- Collated research and literature that will support the health visitor knowledge base and provide quality assured resources that families can be signposted to.
All these resources will be available to those that attend via a unique login and digital toolkit following the training events.
Virtual training dates:
- Wednesday 4th November – 08:45 to 13:15
- Tuesday 10th November – 08:45 to 13:15
- Thursday 26th November – 08:45 to 13:15
These free training events are virtual (via Zoom online platform).
How to apply:
- Limited places available.
- You must have approval from your manager to attend, and a commitment to cascade the training to your colleagues.
- Non-attendance will result in a £50 charge for your organisation.
- Register your interest by completing the online form