2nd March 2014
iHV supports the campaign for FGM
iHV founding Director Dr Cheryll Adams supported this victory campaign.
In an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, Fahma – alongside other members of the youth charity Integrate Bristol – met with the education secretary, Michael Gove, to ask him to write to every school in the country about the horrors of FGM.
After a meeting that lasted more than an hour – to the girls’ delighted surprise – he agreed. Praising Fahma’s “inspirational” campaign, he said the department would send every school guidance on keeping children safe by Easter – before the summer holidays – and would include material to enable teachers to tackle the subject of FGM.
On Friday she saw him again – this time in her school, to attempt to convince him that FGM can, and should, be taught in class.
Speaking after the hour-long visit, Fahma said Gove had been positive about teaching FGM in schools. “It was quick, but really good,” she says. “He was completely onboard saying that young people were much more engaged in fighting for human rights than in his time.”
To read full story click here