2nd August 2013
The Institute of Health Visiting has lent its name with others to a campaign led by the RCN in Scotland to reinstate health visiting in statute there. As in England, health visiting in Scotland has endured some very difficult years including loss of the title health visitor. This has now been reinstated by the CNO, Ros Moore but there is much work required to rebuild the profession so that it can deliver the outcomes it needs to for children and families. At the core of the campaign is urging the Scottish government to put the profession back into statute. iHV Director Dr Cheryll Adams said ‘This is something the iHV feels very strongly about for the rest of the UK too as it would allow the training and entry gates to change and this would in turn strengthen health visiting services for families’.
Please sign petition for more health visitors in Scotland! www.rcn.org.uk/scotlandhealthvisitors
Recent news coverage of the campaign: