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Help us to help you!

14th October 2022

Complete our UK annual State of Health Visiting survey today!

Calling all health visitors and everyone working in health visiting – we need your help to increase our response rate to our UK annual state of health visiting survey.

The good news is, we have had 284 responses so far, but the bad news is that thousands of health visitors across the UK will not get their voices heard unless they respond! Help us smash last year’s response rate of 1291 completed surveys. A big response rate across the whole of the UK will make the evidence difficult to ignore. We will use the evidence to create a powerful picture of the current state of health visiting in the UK which we will use to influence national decisions.

Thanks to your support, our policy influencing work is being heard, so much so, that the Labour party has now committed to training 5,000 more health visitors! Your views from our survey last year created powerful evidence for the iHV to use and was referenced in the final report of the independent review of children’s social care, and the review into the murder of Star Hobson recognised that: “The issue of capacity in health visiting services is a national concern and merits further attention”.

But we need to keep up the pressure until we see this translated into action! It’s so important that your views are heard so we can tell your story. Please take 20 minutes out of your very busy day and complete the survey yourself and encourage your colleagues to do the same. This will possibly be the best use of 20 minutes that you will have as health visitors today to change the future of our profession.

Please tell us:

  • what you think
  • what is working
  • and what needs to change.

Ensure you have your say to benefit the health of all babies, children and families and your wonderful health visiting colleagues!

How to take part in the UK annual State of Health Visiting Survey

  • For those people on our mailing lists (including members and expired members), you will have received an email from us with the survey link. So please do check your emails.
  • For those health visitors or members of health visiting teams who are not on our mailing lists, or can’t find your email, and would like to complete this vital survey, please contact [email protected] to request the survey link.

Thank you so much for helping us to help you. Together we are so much stronger!



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