Our dedicated membership team is on hand to help you with any issues. However, please do have a look through our FAQs before contacting us as there are many helpful tips listed below.
New member and need help?
In this section, we have included some helpful tutorial videos to help our new members validate and log in.
How to validate your iHV membership
Struggling to validate your membership? Please watch this helpful video which shows you how to create your account on the iHV website.
How to log in to the iHV website
Please watch this helpful video which shows you how to log in to the iHV website.
How to change your password
You may have received a computer-generated password and wish to change it to one of your own. Please watch this helpful video which shows you how to do just that!
General membership FAQs
In this section, you will find answers to some general membership questions you may have.
How can I update my email address?
If you need to update your email address, please contact [email protected].
Does my membership include subscription to the Institute of Health Visiting magazine?
The iHV does not produce its own journal, but all members receive a free monthly electronic newsletter, the “iHV Times”. This contains the latest news, evidence reports, briefings, event details and other relevant materials for the world of health visiting.
Note: The Journal of Health Visiting is published by a commercial organisation and can be purchased from the publisher.
When I graduate will I be automatically upgraded to full associate membership?
Yes. You will automatically be upgraded to Associate membership based on the Expected Qualifying Date provided when you registered for your Student membership. Your Direct Debit will automatically be increased in accordance with Associate funding, details available on our website. Should your Expected Qualifying Date be extended for any reason, and you need to delay your membership upgrade, please contact us at your earliest opportunity.
How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel your membership at any time by completing the online Membership Cancellation form.
Once submitted, your cancellation request will be sent to the iHV Membership Team – we will endeavour to action this for you as soon as possible, but please allow up to five (5) working days for this to be processed. We will cancel your direct debit for you. As soon as your cancellation has been processed, we will send you a confirmation email. Please note that you will no longer have access to iHV member benefits and resources.
I have forgotten my password/log in details for the website
Go to the Login section on the top right hand part of the home page. Then click on the ‘Forgot Password’ button under the Log in button. You will then be sent an email containing your new password (please make sure you check your junk folder if this doesn’t immediately appear in your inbox). Should you have any further issues, please email us to [email protected] and we will be happy to help.
How can I change my username?
Unfortunately, we are unable to change your username. This MUST be the email assigned to your membership record. This will be the email address that you signed up with (for a member that is self-funded) or the email address your employing trust would have provided us with (as a member provided with a Corporate Membership). If you wish to change your email address, please contact [email protected].
How would I know if the GoCardless system has accepted my direct debit submission as a new member?
Please leave some time to check if you receive a confirmation email from GoCardless before resubmitting bank details. Occasionally you may not be notified immediately.
If you receive 2 confirmation emails from GoCardless it could indicate that you have mistakenly submitted the direct debit form twice and inadvertently set up 2 Direct Debits. In this instance, please ring your bank to confirm that there should be only one for the Institute of Health Visiting. Alternatively, please contact [email protected] and we would be happy to check this for you.
How can I change my password?
Please log in using your old password and then visit: – https://ihv.org.uk/my-ihv/
Can I claim tax relief on my iHV subscription?
Yes, if you are a UK tax payer and a self-funded member of the iHV, you can now get tax relief on your subscription fees – please see document below for further details.

Further information how to claim tax relief on your subscription fees
I have retired but still wish to support the iHV. How can I change my membership to the Retired rate?
If you wish to change your membership to retired and continue to support the iHV, please email [email protected] advising the details and we would be happy to change this for you.
How can I update my address or other membership details?
Please click here to complete the membership update form. Once received, please allow up to 5 working days for us to confirm.
I am having problems using the website
Please use the ‘Search’ function to try to find what it is you are looking for. Please note some materials online are ‘Members only’ and so you will need to log in or join up as a member to access them.
You may find this page useful https://ihv.org.uk/for-health-visitors/resources/ in helping you find what you need.
If the problems are more technical, please go to the ‘Contact Us’ page to let us know what the problem is.
Corporate membership FAQs
In this section, you will find answers to questions relating specifically to corporate membership.
Who do we contact about Corporate Membership?
Please send in an email to [email protected] for more information
How much is it for us to join qualified HVs and Student HVs?
Please email [email protected] for further information on the Corporate Membership scheme, including quotations.
We have a group of non-HVs within our trust that we would like to join as ‘Friends’, how do we do this?
This bulk membership is included in our Corporate Membership scheme.
Please email [email protected] for more information.
How long is Corporate Membership for?
For as long as an organisation can fund it for, usually 1-2 years from activation. However, you can extend this on a year by year basis.
What do we do about staff changes? E.g. Leavers and New starters
We recognise that most organisations will have regular staff changes that will require adjustments to ensure that new staff are able to make the most of their iHV member benefits from the start. To support this, you can make as many changes as needed to your iHV corporate member staff list throughout the term of your corporate membership.
All you need to do is contact us by email to: [email protected] with the details and we will get that actioned for you as soon as possible.
Staff have left but we have their membership packs here, what should we do with them?
Please notify us when a member of staff with corporate iHV membership has left your organisation and we will delete their name from your staff list – you can then reallocate this place to another member of staff, email us at [email protected] with their details.
You do not need to return the used membership pack to us. Please destroy the iHV membership certificates and check the contents of the packs for other items which you may want to keep and make use of!
We have staff who are missing membership packs, what do we do?
Please contact [email protected] who will be able to send these out to your organisation. Please state which organisation you are from and the names of the staff without membership packs.
We have staff who are missing log in details, what do we do?
Please contact [email protected] regarding this. We will be able to check the email address on our database and re-send their welcome email which contains information on how they gain access to the website.
How will we know when our corporate membership has been activated?
Upon activation, all staff on the list you have sent us will be contacted by email. The welcome email will contain important details of what action they need to take to validate their membership.
In addition, membership packs will be sent to you for in-house distribution. These will be sent to the person identified by your corporate service lead during the activation process.
If any staff member doesn’t receive an email or a pack, please let us know by email to: [email protected] so we can get that sorted for you.
How do we renew our Corporate Membership?
2-3 months before your expiry date, the iHV will be in contact regarding the renewal of your Corporate Membership.
International membership FAQs
In this section, you will find answers to questions relating specifically to international membership.
I have registered for membership but do not know the details I need to log in. When will I get this?
As soon as we receive confirmation of receipt of payment from our partner agency, Braintree, we will send you a welcome email which will contain all the relevant details you will need to validate your membership on our website. We will also send you your electronic membership certificate.
How do I cancel my International membership?
Please notify us via email to [email protected] should you wish to cancel your membership at any time. However, in accordance with our Terms of Use, we are unable to offer any refunds. Your membership will automatically expire one year from the date of confirmed payment (usually your registration date).
I have International Student membership……. When I graduate will I be automatically upgraded to full International Associate membership?
No. We are unable to automatically upgrade your International membership at this time. As you have paid annually in advance, you will be able to upgrade at the end of the current membership period. We will contact you prior to your expiry date to advise you of your options.
I have signed up for one year but wish to continue my membership after this. How do I let you know?
We will email you one month prior to your expiry date to advise that your membership is shortly due for renewal. At this point, we will provide options of how you -can continue your membership.