What is corporate membership of the iHV?

The Institute is constantly working hard to improve and develop benefits for our members. Corporate membership, either as an NHS organisation, local authority or independent provider, will enable you to demonstrate your commitment and support as an employer to your whole health visiting workforce.

Corporate membership, gives your staff access to all the iHV health visiting resources and member benefits of the iHV.  This supports their professional development and practice.  Many organisations use corporate membership as a recruitment incentive.

Membership of the iHV brings health visitors, and practitioners working in health visiting teams, together as a professional community. By working together with you, we aim to improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities for babies, children, families, and communities through a strengthened health visiting service.

The iHV is an internationally recognised professional organisation that provides members with a comprehensive range of benefits. All members receive our monthly electronic newsletter, iHV Times, which contains the latest news, evidence, reports, briefings and other relevant resources to support health visiting practice.

We value the support of our members which also ensures that the iHV is able to provide an independent ‘voice’ for health visiting and promote the benefits and importance of health visiting excellence, alongside influencing policies affecting the health of babies, children, families and communities.

Benefits of membership

Increased professionalism

Our website

Our networking events

Our iHV Insights

iHV member offers

Being an iHV member also provides opportunities to respond to regular requests to participate in UK-wide developments and join specialist working groups. Look out for details in our monthly newsletter.

Corporate service leads – what we offer YOU!

In addition to the above benefits, we also currently offer a range of services specifically for corporate membership including:

  • an advisory /consulting visit
  • an opportunity to connect with your iHV professional contact 2-3 times a year for support and updates
  • an invitation to our popular quarterly corporate service leads networking events
  • early access to our contemporary, acclaimed accredited training programmes
  • reduced rates at our national conferences
  • opportunity to join national working groups, participate in iHV research projects and developments

What do our corporate members say?

Want to find out more? Get it touch today…

Corporate membership rates are very competitive and depend on the number of health visitors employed.

For further details of the corporate scheme, or to receive a personalised quotation, please contact:  info@ihv.org.uk


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