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In this section we aim to provide you up-to-date information on working in partnership with your Local Authority commissioners.

We have produced a series of briefings to help you understand local government working and how to work closer together, such as:

  • The Economics of health visiting.
  • Local authority child public health briefings.
  • The “Why a HV?” series of briefings on the 5 mandated visits can be used by Service Leads who are redesigning their service specification with their local commissioners.

Certain documents within this section are for members only. For non-health visitors who work in public health-related areas, they may join the iHV as Friends to access all our documents.  As a charity the iHV relies on its member income to produce such documents.

For Health Visitors/ School Nurses/ Leads

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Influencing skills for health visitors

Economics of health visiting

The Economics of health visiting 

This important document explains the economics of health visiting: a universal preventative child and family health promotion programme.

This is a member only document. Non health visitors who work in public health related areas may join the iHV as Friends to access all our documents.  As a charity the iHV relies on its member income to produce such documents.

Health and Wellbeing Boards

Health Visiting in England: A Vision for the Future

Safeguarding Boards


DHSC Policy paper: The best start for life: a vision for the 1,001 critical days

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Now is the time for Principle 3 – ‘Influencing policies affecting health’

Why a HV?: 5 mandated visits

These excellent briefings series written by Dr Robert Nettleton, can be used by Service Leads who are redesigning their service specification with their local commissioners.

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Why a HV?: Antenatal Visit

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Why a HV?: New Birth Visit

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Why a HV?: 6-8 week assessment

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Why a HV?: one year review

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Why a HV?: 2.5 year assessment

For Commissioners

Economics of health visiting

This important document explains the economics of health visiting: a universal preventative child and family health promotion programme.

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Economics of health visiting (November 2016)

LGA - Improving outcomes for children and families in the early years: a key role for health visiting services

In 2015 health visiting was brought into the local government fold for the first time since 1974.

As with so much of public health, the move into local government offers fresh opportunities. By integrating health visiting with other services, such as children’s centres, early help, safeguarding and public health teams, we can provide better support to children and their families.

These case studies demonstrate examples of innovation. But there have also been challenges. Concerns have been raised that in some areas health visitor posts are being cut as a consequence of the reductions to local government funding.

The cuts to local authority public health budgets make it more important than ever for health visitors and commissioners to work together to monitor and evaluate the impact of the service.

MECSH programme

Commissioning Infant Feeding Services: A toolkit for Local Authorities

Information to support commissioning of local infant feeding services.

LSE report: Best practice for perinatal mental health care: the economic case

PHE Guidance - Supporting public health: children, young people and families



Commissioning Tools

PHE Guidance - Best start in life: cost-effective commissioning

A tool to help local commissioners provide cost-effective interventions for children aged up to 5 and pregnant women.

PHE Guidance: Healthy child programme 0 to 19: health visitor and school nurse commissioning

This service specification is for local authorities commissioning health visitors and school nurses, for public health services for children aged 0 to 19.

PHE Guidance: The Prioritisation Framework: making the most of your budget

A flexible tool to support local authorities make transparent, evidence-based spending decisions across public health programmes.

PHE Guidance: National child measurement programme operational guidance

Guidance for local commissioners, providers and schools on running the national child measurement programme (NCMP).

Skill mix in health visiting teams

The iHV is currently leading a programme of work to inform safe and effective skill mix within health visiting. The iHV infographic on skill mix in health visiting has been prepared for practitioners, service managers and commissioners involved in skill mix decision making.

This co-produced resource is the result of work with a UK-wide reference group providing perspectives as parents, practitioners, educationalists, service leads and professionals working with families and communities. Given the limited evidence for how skill mix in health visiting works, we have identified transferable messages from the broader skill mix literature and drawn on bodies of research evidence for what families want from services and what contributes to successful health visiting practice.

The collective messages from these bodies of evidence, have been distilled as the ABC of skill mix in health visiting to identify issues concerning: Accountability of health visitors; Balance in the service system; and Care based on people’s needs.

The resource provides a helpful benchmark for service innovation – services are encouraged to review whether change and innovation is moving health visiting practice nearer, or further away, from these core evidence-driven principles? This work will continue into 2023.

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Skill Mix in Health Visiting Infographic

Archive of historical videos and presentations

These archive of videos and presentations are available for interest and historical record.

Health Visiting Service: Key points Local Authorities

Watch a video of Dame Sarah Cowley on the value of a Health Visiting Service: Key points Local Authorities need to know.

Overview of the 6 High Impact Areas

Watch a video of Professor Viv Bennett providing an overview of the 6 high impact areas and how health visitors can use them to explain the importance of their role to local authority commissioners.

Influencing for public health improvement

How to use the PREview Tool to influence Health Visiting Practice

This free webinar was created for health visitors to explain how the PHE PREview Tool can be used to influence their practice.

Influencing your JSNA

How health visitors can influence their JSNA

This new free webinar, created for health visitors, explains the purpose and function of a local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and how it relates to the local Health and Wellbeing Board and Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

It offers suggestions as to what information health visitors can provide to inform their local JSNA.

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