Join us at our next iHV Member Practice Education Networking Event on Wednesday 12 March, 9:30-11:30am.

Using the Maturity Matrix for the Practice Learning Environment

This members networking event will be focusing on practice learning and the application of the jointly iHV and SAPHNA developed maturity matrix. Sign up for the session to explore how you can make use of this new resource to support your role as a practice supervisor and or assessor. Learn how to apply the resource in practice to benefit your own development and that of others you are supporting to enhance personal professional growth.

This networking event offers 2 hours of participatory learning and is relevant to NMC standards of proficiency for SCPHNs (specifically core standards within spheres E and F):

E.5 lead and support a culture of learning and continuous professional development for colleagues, and with interdisciplinary and interagency teams

E.6 recognise individual abilities and learning needs when applying the standards of education and training for pre- and post-registration nursing, midwifery and nursing associate students, in order to educate, supervise and assess effectively

E.7 promote and lead effective public health workplace cultures that benefit people, communities and populations

F.6 compassionately lead and support a culture of critical reflection and continuous professional development that promotes team and interdisciplinary learning

F.7 build alliances and partnerships that support equality, diversity and inclusion, collaboration and sharing of new ideas and innovations and be able to agree shared goals and priorities


Join us at our next iHV Research Networking event on 2 April.

Our research network is open to all iHV members who:

  • are interested in research in health visiting practice
  • would like to connect with other health visitors who are active in research to share learning
  • want to find out about support to become involved in research

This network provides an opportunity to:

  • meet regularly with colleagues across the UK through our research networking events
  • keep up-to-date with national developments
  • learn about funding opportunities
  • network and share research ideas
  • collaborate with other researchers/health visitors
  • create a community of health visitor researchers

Fostering professional curiosity in student health visitor practice

We invite you to join us on 13 February, 15:30-16:30 for the first SCPHN student health visitor networking event of 2025, where we discuss professional curiosity, how student health visitors can be professionally curious, and the potential barriers. We will also hear from our co-chairs, (newly qualified health visitors), who will share their experiences and tips on psychological safety and self-care.

Fostering and embedding professional curiosity and respectful uncertainty from the beginning of a student health visitor’s career is important to exploring, observing, and understanding the family’s situation and what life is like for babies and children. It enables a holistic assessment of possible indicators of vulnerability and risk of abuse or neglect, while maintaining an objective, professional and supportive approach to safeguarding babies and children.

Professional curiosity is one of the most common learning points that arises from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, as highlighted in the latest Annual Report by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.    

Amanda Holland – chair, and co-chairs Claire Black, are delighted to be joined by Jennifer Kirman, Principal Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University, and co-author of a book chapter on safeguarding1. We are also thrilled to be joined by our new co-chair and winner of the 2024 iHV SCPHN student health visitor award, Nicola Taggart.

This event is available to iHV SCPHN student health visitor members. If you are not a member yet, you can find out more about student membership here.

This networking event aligns to the NMC 2022 Standards of Proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses – Health Visiting, in particular;

  • Sphere C – Promoting human rights and addressing inequalities, assessment, surveillance and intervention
  • Sphere E – Advancing public health services and promoting healthy places, environments and cultures
  1. Kirman J and Smith N. Safeguarding. In Chilton S and Bain H, editors. ‘A Textbook of Community Nursing – 3rd edition’. Taylor and Francis. 2025. (Available to pre-order).

This webinar is on Thursday 20 February 2025 (join from 3:15pm to allow a prompt start) 3:30pm to 4:30pm.

This is open to all members.

Babies and children under one year of age are particularly vulnerable to serious injury or to dying as a result of abuse or neglect. Accidental bruising is a common injury in children, which can increase as a child becomes more independently mobile. However, bruising is also the most common injury in children who have been abused.

In non-mobile infants, bruising is rare. As health visitors reach more families than any other health professional, they can often be the first to identify bruising in a non-mobile infant. While protocols for the assessment and management of bruising in non-mobile infants are available locally to support and guide safeguarding practices, literature suggests wide variations in interpretation.

Join us for this Insights event where we will hear from a panel of experts in the field who will discuss safeguarding policy for the management of bruising, clinical considerations, the management of bruising in health visiting practice, and the supportive nature of supervision.

How does this event align to the 2022 NMC Standards of Proficiency for SCPHN Health Visiting?

Attendance at this event and engagement with the iHV reflection template will support you with demonstrating CPD activities that align to the NMC (2022) Standards of Proficiency for SCPHN Health Visiting, in particular:

  • Sphere of Influence C: Promoting human rights and addressing inequalities: assessment, surveillance and intervention; C.2, C.HV3, C.HV8
  • Sphere of influence E: Advancing public health services and promoting healthy places, environment and cultures; E.HV2
  • Sphere of influence F: Leading and collaborating: from investment to action and dissemination

How to book

Log in with your iHV member email address and password.

Please note: when you log in you’ll be redirected to the iHV homepage. Simply return to the iHV events webpage to find and book your event.

Once you are viewing this page logged in, the “Register now” button will appear when you click on Booking Link (click to reveal)


We are delighted to announce that bookings for our iHV Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Conference: ‘Healthier Beginnings’ are now open. We will be returning to King’s House Conference Centre in Manchester on 8 May 2025 – with options to join us in-person, or online, to give you flexibility.

This year’s iHV EBP Conference will showcase the latest health visiting research, evidence, clinical expertise and lived experiences, equipping practitioners with newfound knowledge and skills to ensure that all babies and children have a healthy beginning to their life.

Our vibrant iHV EBP Conference gets bigger every year and has become a health visiting calendar highlight for practitioners looking to deliver excellence in practice and connect with colleagues from across the UK.

The title of this year’s conference, ‘Healthier Beginnings’, is very poignant, especially with the new Government committed to raising the healthiest generation of children ever. The challenges that our babies, children and families face have been laid bare – we are now collectively focused on delivering solutions.

A first step towards achieving change is to start at the beginning…if we are to change the story, we need to change the beginning of the story. And health visitors are in a privileged position to play an important part in this, with practitioners and researchers from across the UK leading the way.

Join the discussions – be part of the solution at iHV EBP conference 2025.