Please champion the work of the iHV to help it grow and deliver its ambitions. To do this we require local champions and access to regular funding and expert help, whether within or outside the profession. If you are a health visitor, you can
- become an Associate of the iHV,
- become a local iHV Champion
- engage with our professional activities.
- consider fundraising on our behalf with colleagues, perhaps doing a fun run.
If you are a potential funder who shares our values and ambitions for every child to have the best chance in life, do please get in touch so that we can develop work together.
If you employ health visitors consider funding their membership of the Associate scheme to be able to access evidence-based resources via the web wherever they are and give the iHV a regular source of income to develop more resources.
If you are a journalist please write about our activities so others understand this key area of work.
If you are a policy maker engage us with your activities so that the voice of health visiting is heard in policy generation.