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iHV in the News – September 2014

Primary Healthcare: The Institute of Health Visiting wants to acknowledge exceptional senior health visitors.


Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Fellowship delight for infant mental health specialist – Deborah O’Dea


Health Education East of England Health Visiting Monthly News: More Fellows of The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV)

SEPT: First Fellow to be Recognised in Bedfordshire

East Cheshire NHS Trust:Andrea Johns was named as one of just 150 health visitors across the country this year to enter the Institute of Health Visiting’s (iHV’s) Fellowship programme

Health Education South West: Louise Condon of University of the West of England, Sara Kirkup of Plymouth Community Healthcare and Jane Appleton of Oxford Brookes University become Fellows of the Institute of Health Visiting.

Health Education East of England: Rowena Harvey, Locality Lead for the Health Visiting Programme, has been  awarded a major honour by being made a Fellow of the Institute of Health Visiting (FiHV).

Health Education North Central and East London: iHV fellowships announced


Cambridgeshire Community Services: Cambridge Health Visitor named as one of the first Fellows of the Institute of Health Visiting


NHS Employers: Institute for Health Visiting publishes Preceptorship and Induction Frameworks

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