We had an incredibly inspiring and motivating day at iHV’s annual Leadership conference – Leadership for the future – #iHVLeadership19.

The iHV Leadership for the future conference, held on 3 December 2019 at Woburn House Conference Centre in London, was a fantastic opportunity for health professionals across the country to find out the latest in leadership in health visiting practice among like-minded professionals and peers, as well as finding out the latest on our evidence-based blue print to rebuild health visiting services – ‘Health Visiting in England: A Vision for the Future’.

Our tickets were sold out and we had a full house of 200 who listened to our inspirational and passionate speakers:

  • Sir Al Aynsley-Green, Professor of Advocacy for Children and Childhood, at Nottingham Trent University and former First Children’s Commissioner for England
  • Professor Dame Sue Hill DBE, Chief Scientific Officer NHS England, national lead for Genomics
  • LEGO Professor of Play, Dr Paul Ramchandani
  • Professor Jim McManus, Vice President, Association of Directors of Public Health
  • Pauline Beirne, National Lead AHP CYP, Scottish Government
  • Sally Hogg, Head of Policy and Campaigning, Parent-Infant Foundation
  • Angie Emrys-Jones, a mum with loved experience
  • Caroline Palmer, ChatHealth
  • Julie Carter-Lindsay, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Alison Morton, Director of Policy and Quality, iHV

In addition, our Guest speaker of our annual lecture was:

  • Professor Mitch Blair, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Public Health, Imperial College London.

A big thank you to all our speakers, presenters and exhibitors for helping to make the day.

Some of the Feedback

“Thank you iHV for the fantastic Leadership Conference yesterday. Inspirational speakers who delivered with humility. I am ready for the disruption”

“So much to share & debate. Reflecting this morning on inspiring colleagues, conversations and opportunities to take forward. Thank you”

“Thank you @iHealthVisiting for hosting such an inspiring and invigorating iHV Leadership Conference.”

“Fantastic time out for reflection and updates from great speakers”

“En route home after the BEST day at @iHealthVisiting leadership conference. I don’t need a title to be a leader. Just the willingness to be disruptive and to ‘bang the bloody door down’ of anyone who isn’t willing to listen!!”

“Such a fab day. So much to think about. Thank you @Alison_Morton2 @CheryllMa and the team behind today’s #iHVLeadership19 conference in #London. Won’t lie, head is full but so much passion for the HV service is out there, we need to make sure we keep shouting about the work we do”

“Thank you @iHealthVisiting empowering day #iHVLeadership19 hearing inspirational speakers & opportunity to network.”


Please note that the conference presentations are available to conference delegates only and they will have been sent the password required to access this page:


We have made a short video of some of the photos taken on the day:

Tweets from #iHVLeadership19

For those of you who could not either join us on the day or could not follow the #iHVLeadership19 hashtag on Twitter, we’ve collected and made a little “Wakelet” collection of the day’s tweets so you can follow some of what was shared. Please see below.



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