iHV evidence-based practice conference promoting "The Best Start in Life" #iHVconf18
This conference provided an excellent opportunity for UK-wide health visitors, practice educators, SCPHN lecturers, early years workers and student health visitors to develop their role in supporting the “Best Start in Life” for all children. Held on 7 March 2018 in Manchester.
- We're looking forward to welcoming delegates to our evidence-based conference next Weds 7/3 in #Manchester to promote every child has the Best Start in Life. Follow #iHVconf18 to get all the latest updates #healthvisiting #iHVChampions #iHVFellows pic.twitter.com/XjyUq8L1dn
- Gr8 to hear that Laura - we're hoping the weather will be more suitable for travel too! See you next week at #iHVconf18 - we're so looking forward to seeing everyone! https://twitter.com/Cr8tiveMETAPHOR/status/969492621625298944 …
- @AnaisHay22 That's such a shame! But do follow the day's proceedings on #iHVconf18 - we'll endeavour to get lots of info out on that hashtag!
- We're excited about our evidence-based conference taking place on Weds 7/3 in #Manchester to promote every child has the Best Start in Life. Follow #iHVconf18 to get all the latest updates #healthvisiting #iHVChampions #iHVFellows
- We're on our way to #Manchester for tomorrow's iHV evidence-based conference! Such a gr8 line up of speakers. Do follow #ihvconf18 tomorrow for the latest conference updates!
- Yay🎉@iHealthVisiting team are here! Super excited to be setting up for #iHVConf18 tomorrow! Looking forward to welcoming a fab line up of speakers and a full house!pic.twitter.com/j2VbUDVprbhttps://t.co/j2VbUDVprpic.twitter.com/j2VbUDVprb
- looking forward to hearing you tomorrow David at our evidence-based conference #iHVconf18 https://twitter.com/Dubai_allergy/status/971068997503418368 …
- Looking forward to @iHealthVisiting #ihvconf18 tomorrow in Manchester. Looking forward to learning and meeting delegates. Come and say hello 😊 pic.twitter.com/Yub7aj46nn
- @melita_walker @iHealthVisiting Wishing everyone a wonderful #iHVConf18 conference so sad not to be there.Sleep well for a great day ahead. @CheryllMa @justinerooke
- @melita_walker @iHealthVisiting #iHVconf18 @CheryllMa @melita_walker @iHealthVisiting. Welcome to the North of England! Wishing I could be with you today for what will be a fantastic conference.
- 6.36 London to Manchester with @KwatengStella starting our day right with one of our #5aday #ihvconf18 #beststart @NELFT pic.twitter.com/8eb0ltazpP
- Wish you could be here in person too - although, If you follow #iHVConf18 you can stil share the day with us :) Hope to see you soon at the #PIMH Conference- in person :) https://twitter.com/JulieCL01/status/971285570793164803 …
- Thanks Pauline, sorry you cant be here in person but if you follow #iHVConf18 you can still share the day with us :) https://twitter.com/BigwoodPauline/status/971140640552701954 …
- Looking 4ward to looking at all the tweets today from #iHVConf18 @GinnyAwan @maurapps @infantaffinity @JustineBaines @iHealthVisiting
- Celebrating and sharing the work of @BetterStartBfd and partners how to make the most of our HCP for families @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 pic.twitter.com/CNNChNP1b1
- Modelling overcoming challenges of parenthood to be here in Manchester to share for @BetterStartBfd today #lovegrandparents #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/89pbAJf55t
- Delighted to be attending #ihvconf18 very much looking forward to an interesting day and finding out what’s happening in health visiting practice
- #ihvconf18 kicks off ... pic.twitter.com/o2GQ2JEGj5
- Very excited to be at #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/MRWwefcoCq
- Really pleased to be attending the @iHealthVisiting Evidence Based Promoting ‘The Best Start in Life’ Conference today #iHVconf18 with @melita_walker @scargill_maggie @CheryllMa @CHCPHull. Let the learning begin! pic.twitter.com/rWgIW64jJN
- Arrived at Manchester #ihvconf18 showcasing #BestPractices @NELFT meeting other practitioners from around England and hearing about the great work being done to ensure #beststart #everychildmatters pic.twitter.com/9cA9Zvt5LPhttps://t.co/9cA9Zvt5LPpic.twitter.com/9cA9Zvt5LP
- @iHealthVisiting CEO @CheryllMa welcomes delegates to #iHVConf18 Fab energy in the room! pic.twitter.com/bINpvA8aeX
- #iHVconf18 and we're off!
- #iHVconf18 begins...promoting "The best start in life"..delighted to be in attendance. pic.twitter.com/oUTUZQErw6
- Come and visit us at #ihvconf18 - always good to know how we can support HV around good nutrition pre-conception to five.
- #ihvconf18 looking forward to today some great speakers and networking in the north
- Delighted to present my topic on Tackling Childhood Obesity at the Institute of Health Visiting National Conference in Manchester #iHVConf18 pic.twitter.com/iX8bVNcueN
- Health for all children, what’s coming up from the 5th edition... from Professor Alan Emond #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/mng5fhoCeC
- Now for Prof Alan Emond on Health for All Children 5 #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/GnBhTb3N3t
- Fantastic to be at the @iHealthVisiting’s evidence-based practice conference on promoting “The Best Start in Life”. #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/MJMoniQP8ehttps://t.co/MJMoniQP8epic.twitter.com/MJMoniQP8e
- @iHealthVisiting #iHVconf18 ‘Health for all children’ - something we can all get behind. Proud to be presenting @_ukactive work on Active Families here today. Evidence based practice. pic.twitter.com/eDtUbsm5Nf
- Also get to see Amalia of @ABCParenting present her poster presentation at #ihvconf18 on tackling childhood obesity
- Learning about the new edition of 'Health for All Children' and what to expect ahead of the launch #ihvconf18
- To inform practice & commissioning. @BristolCCAH @TheEIFoundation #ihvconf18 https://twitter.com/iHealthVisiting/status/971321604482457602 …
- Prof Alan Edmond gives an exclusive preview of what’s coming in “Health for all Children 5” reviewing the evidence base in the context of supporting current practice #iHVConf18 @iHealthVisiting pic.twitter.com/ESqPKVEXnQ
- Looking forward to an inspirational #ihvconf18
- Professor Alan Edmond presenting at #ihvconf18 #hall 5 review evidence supporting practice @HCTNHS pic.twitter.com/Nvd0gLChrn
- #ihvconf18 Prof Alan Emond provides a pre-publication briefing on Health For All Children5 due out later in year - a critical review of evidence supporting practice in child health. There will be links to e-learning in each chapter.
- We are here and looking forward to a fabulous day #iHVconf18 #forbabyssake pic.twitter.com/HDgIbk0c0Y
- Health for All Children will be significant to support consistent practice #ihvconf18
- @iHealthVisiting It wonderful having everything in one room - looking forward to hearing the fascinating speakers today! #ihvconf18 #evidencebased
- What’s new about Health for all Children 5? -Evidence from all over the world but referenced to UK practice and context - e book -starts with pregnancy “my one wish is that we had come up with this book/ evidence 5 years ago to influence commissioning” Prof Alan Edmond #iHVConf18
- Lovely to launch our evidence-based practice conference with Professor Alan Emond outlining what to expect from Health for All Children 5. This will have an important impact on future commissioning and practice @iHealthVisiting #iHVconf18
- 1000 days now being written into policy #ihvconf18
- First 1000 days remains important concept for child health - shame term has been hijacked by formula companies - need to reclaim and link with universal services that are #COI free. #iHVConf18
- Prof Alan Edmond on Health for all Children 5 “all the authors have done this book out of love- the royalties will go into updates” So important to have up to date evidence base @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18
- Prof Alan Edmond “every contact with families should be an opportunity to assess, support and offer intervention for #PMH and #IMH. Services should have a focus on parental mental health and the 1001 critical days @iHealthVisiting @MMHAlliance @first1001days #iHVConf18
- Packed room at #ihvconf18....lots of energy pic.twitter.com/8GCvdPu2AE
- Attending and speaking at #iHVconf18 in Manchester today. Listening to Prof Alan Emond, Prof of Child Health talk about health for all children. pic.twitter.com/YAAXqOFsr6
- Prof Alan Edmond @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 Principles of Health for all Children 5: Importance of @first1001days Proportionate universalism - building on @marmotreview Multi-disciplinary working. Quality Assurance
- Inspiring and passionate presentation by Prof Alan Emond #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/ASjjYHh90l
- Eustance DeSousa PHE Natinal Lead - children young people and families. speaking about A Better Start #ihvconf18
- Now for @EustacedeSousa @PHE_uk on A Better Start-where are we now? #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/84YI5RQL2X
- Here’s to a bright future thanks to #healthvisiting Well said Eustace DeSousa #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/A4vahxyXsR
- Now for @EustacedeSousa @PHE_uk on A Better Start - where are we now? #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/pa3xYX6aCG
- Next up Eustace DeSousa national lead for Children &Families @PHE_uk who first acknowledges the hugely challenging environment health visitors are working in. @iHealthVisiting #ihvconf18
- @EustacedeSousa up now @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 Sharing @PHE_uk strategy on giving every child the best start in life -taking a life course approach pic.twitter.com/3kPdO6ePJJ
- Update from @EustacedeSousa from how we give every child the best start in life and links into #AllOurHealth @PHE_uk #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/2k1fBmVBnT
- Great to see tweets from today's #ihvconf18 focusing on support and interventions for #pmh and #imh. Thank you to our member org @iHealthVisiting #everyonesbusiness https://twitter.com/melita_walker/status/971325752133251073 …
- Good to hear @PHE_uk producing information on preconceptual health #ihvconf18
- #ihvconf18 @EustacedeSousa “The importance of intervention & support to families improve outcomes @HCTNHS key priority pic.twitter.com/S24DlPUNjx
- A reminder of the 456 model and the importance of the HV contribution #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/87ZL8Hv2vZ
- @EustacedeSousa extends thanks to all health visitors and school nurses for the hard work they do in such challenging times #safeguarding #obesity #schoolreadiness #buildingresilience #perinatalmentalhealth #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/Abx4NjJfme
- @EustacedeSousa gives a big Thank You to the contribution & value of #healthvisiting #iHVConf18 before setting the scene for @PHE_uk priority areas-a life course approach @iHealthVisiting. pic.twitter.com/La4MSn7RIw
- Early language crucial to achieve the best start for children. Health Visitors well placed to support this #ihvconf18
- @EustacedeSousa sharing how @PHE_uk is prioritising a PH approach 2 #PMH as part of “Fit for pregnancy-Fit during pregnancy” need 2 recalibrate so there is also a focus on prevention-not waiting 4 parents 2 become ill -preventing potential MH & future MH problems #iHVConf18
- Eustace Desouza shares @PHE_uk priority to support early language development #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/YYmEeWCifE
- Eustace DeSousa, National Lead children, young people and families @PHE_uk talking about the importance of early language for positive parenting and behaviour management #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/lTOjhUmIJB
- .@EustacedeSousa shares lots of links to @PHE_uk resources #ihvconf18 ...we will be sharing presentations with our conference delegates! pic.twitter.com/7sIVSDrQmP
- Glad to see ACEs being discussed at #iHVconf18. pic.twitter.com/DRaNmjjSsK
- Here’s Dr Angela Donkin on Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs ) at #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/WVL36Oeii8
- Learning more about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact on children health #ihvconf18
- #ihvconf18 Next up Dr Angela Donkin describing the evidence for adverse childhood experiences and how the risks increase as the number of ACEs increase. This is a very complex area with effects potentially being lifelong. More ACEs = more risk taking!
- Fascinating overview of A Better Start at #iHVConf18 by @EustacedeSousa - the regional differences in #oralhealth are staggering.
- #ihvconf18 pathways to poorer health reduced by interventions, health visitors are in the best position to do this as a highly skilled workforce
- Really clear overview of the cumulative risks of #ACE from Dr Angela Donkin #iHVConf18
- #ihvconf18 % children living in poverty increased reports Dr Angela Donkin Deputy director UCL
- Excited to share our early voices programme with health visitors at the iHV conference #iHVconf18 https://thecommunicationtrust.org.uk/resources/resources/resources-for-practitioners/early-voices,-transforming-lives-through-communication/ … pic.twitter.com/lGMG4CaYvP
- Dr Angela Donkin @TheMarmotReview “We know so much now about pathways to poor health- we also know early intervention is critical to improving pathways to good health” “Health should be part of every government policy” @iHealthVisiting #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/vBemu05qzv
- Dr Angela Donkin speaking about the evidence base around Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the effects that cumulative impact has on children’s outcomes. What #healthvisiting can contribute #ihvconf18 @iHealthVisiting pic.twitter.com/VhQ4DoNzYyhttps://t.co/VhQ4DoNzYypic.twitter.com/VhQ4DoNzYy
- Dr Angela Donkin at the #iHVconf18 talking about adverse childhood experiences - scary but interesting figures! pic.twitter.com/WDp359Os9Z
- Panel discussion...with our previous speakers at #iHVconf18 Prof Alan Emond, @EustacedeSousa and Dr Angela Donkin ...lots of Qs from the audience pic.twitter.com/9Q5Unvjfk9
- Proudly representing Children and Family Health Surrey (CSH) at today’s iHV conference @BigwoodPauline @CSHSurrey #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/OExcM2YrU4
- Today I'm presenting @iHealthVisiting conference on evidence based practice exploring how to improve outcomes for deaf children #iHVconf18
- Oral health and inequalities - both income, geographical and in some minority groups - how to prevent a totally preventable disease under discussion at #ihvconf18
- Now for 4 concurrent sessions at #ihvconf18 - immunisation and prescribing, oral health and nutrition, getting families active and identification of childhood disorders...and some more gr8 speakers.
- How to get families active, it’s not how people move, it’s getting them moving #ihvconf18 @JShakespearePA for @_ukactive pic.twitter.com/CSAQyU3orO
- #ihvconf18 presentation by @DrHenriette van ruiten “muscular disorders” early diagnosis improves life expectancy #improve awareness @HCTNHS pic.twitter.com/AvU9rGPGCq
- How much do screens make children less active and how do parents create spaces to encourage physical activity as Health visitors #ihvconf18 @JShakespearePA @_ukactive
- HV key to health protection and supporting the immunisation programme #ihvconf18
- It takes a community to get families more active, it’s not a one system approach #ihvconf18 @JShakespearePA @_ukactive pic.twitter.com/agW0YIkCQx
- UK Active is about about getting families active....it is not necessarily about sport but about being active! And about enjoying doing it! @JShakespearePA @_ukactive #ihvconf18
- Find something they enjoy, their ability doesn’t matter and there is nothing gender specific over what can be done #ihvconf18 #activity @JShakespearePA @_ukactive pic.twitter.com/YzHEsiX0aL
- Next up is childhood development and nature from Claire Thompson at @NENaturePShip #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/kVW3jxwVvQ
- If nature was a drug we would be prescribing it by the bucketload! @NENaturePShip #ihvconf18
- So much wonderful information from Claire Thompson from @NENaturePShip about the health benefits of nature on children and families #ihvconf18
- If nature was a drug, we would be prescribing it all the time. @BristolCCAH @TheEIFoundation #iHVConf18 https://twitter.com/x_SamJ_x/status/971354616175714305 …
- Mr Tobian Muir presenting at #iHVConf18 #infantile haemangioma #early diagnosis and treatment improves outcomes pic.twitter.com/ylMuFU4gtU
- Now Julie Greenway from Black Country Partnership NHS shares her fab poster presentation on an integrated targeted intervention to prevent obesity in infants #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/srdVEsCG3L
- Hearing about @iHealthVisiting research about how HCPs deliver “different news” to parents in the perinatal period-and the importance of sensitive balanced honest conversations, in private, in parent friendly language- with clear information and access to follow up #iHVConf18 pic.twitter.com/SVss9qnZSe
- The ever brilliant Dr Helen Crawley from @1stepsnutrition with practical, evidence-based information for parents on snacks and the downside of fruit pouches for children #iHVConf18
- Sam Goodliffe now presenting on our research on breaking different news. #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/PpsYaMWuDi
- An inspiring agenda at the @iHealthVisiting Conference. Pleased to see @BigLotteryFund #ABetterStart evidence base highlighted @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 #TheBestStartInLife @EustacedeSousa
- Dr David Cremonsesini now addressing how HVs can support allergic children better. #ihvconf18 Really helpful for HVs to have this update.
- All back in the main auditorium for @Dubai_allergy David Cremonisini on how can HVs support families of allergic children better #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/EoosDCIpBp
- “How Health visitors can support families of allergic children better” a great update from @Dubai_allergy at #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/1oLcv9VxkI
- Dr David Cremonesini presenting #iHVConf18 “exploration around triggers that cause allergies” #joint working with #GPs #imap guideline pic.twitter.com/eu7jh2biKe
- Loving the iMAP milk ladder, thank you Dr David Cremonesini! #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/iM2IWsXq4a
- @Dubai_allergy talking types, prevalence, diagnosis, impact and evidence based treatment of/for allergy @iHealthVisiting #iHVconf18 @AllergyUK1 pic.twitter.com/SNHesoZmVKhttps://t.co/SNHesoZmVKpic.twitter.com/SNHesoZmVKhttps://t.co/SNHesoZmVKpic.twitter.com/SNHesoZmVKhttps://t.co/SNHesoZmVKpic.twitter.com/SNHesoZmVK
- Full presentation but very relevant to practice. @BristolCCAH @TheEIFoundation #ihvconf18 https://twitter.com/iHealthVisiting/status/971363203077767169 …
- #ihvconf18. Great to hear about success of Cardiff flying start HVs’ initiative -increased pre school booster vaccine uptake rates by 38% @PublicHealthW
- Now for minor illness/conditions panel with Prof Alan Emond, Prof Helen Bedford, Dr Helen Crawley, Dr David Cremonisini and Louise Maryland at #ihvconf18...plenty of questions for these experts! pic.twitter.com/VeTunSeU2j
- #ihvconf18 #ihvconf18 Proud to be presenting our poster - Improving pre-school booster immunisation uptake in Cardiff Flying Start - at the iHV conference in Manchester @CardiffFS @CV_UHB pic.twitter.com/qFAM2QzNbY
- Now for a well earned lunch at #ihvconf18 !
- Lunch break at #ihvconf18, it’s been a pack morning with lots of new information and timely reminders! Doing some networking with @CheryllMa IHV chair before we start the second half of the day pic.twitter.com/3zPwAFMmjz
- After lunch...service users’ voices...getting feedback and involvement from parents at #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/e6hAoQVOEV
- thank you to all the support we have received over the Body Map for the Red Book from everyone at #ihvconf18 - You may find this article interesting. #EndNF http://ift.tt/2FWDyCk
- @iHealthVisiting @HVeCOP @HeartMummy talking about shared conversations and connectedness between HCPs, parents and children: Working with us- not for us. Challenging the barriers to honest and trusting relationships #partnerships #iHVConf18 pic.twitter.com/5IUDtnb7hxhttps://t.co/5IUDtnb7hxpic.twitter.com/5IUDtnb7hx
- The voice of a parent @JenConnectEmEd at #ihvconf18 sharing her experience ....thank you! pic.twitter.com/aBYeVqWdwz
- “Separability: Connectedness between children and adults by providing the space for children to be valued in their own right with their own voice” Fabulous to hear the passion for this @JenConnectEmEd ❤️@iHealthVisiting @HVeCOP @HeartMummy #iHVConf18
- #iHVConf18 parents presenting to #healthvisitors “shared conversations” positive relationships, pic.twitter.com/lWqTL3wWJn
- Now for @HeartMummy about her online conversation forums and groups of parents....at #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/uSLLwO15fJ
- Listening to the wonderful @HeartMummy talking about sharing parent experiences and the cameraderie and compassion of online support groups #iHVConf18
- So very important to hear what users of our service think and feel about the contacts they have with us. Good reminder of this from parents at #ihvconf18
- @HeartMummy on “shared decision making- isn’t it shared conversations to enable parental decisions?” #ihvconf18
- Hearing about the shared views of HVs & parents to develop @HVeCOP to improve connectedness #iHVConf18 also includes fathers! For parents to gain a better understanding of the role of the HV & what parents really want from a HV service @HeartMummy @iHealthVisiting Great work! pic.twitter.com/fGPAolwwkL
- Powerful insights from @HeartMummy including re-thinking ‘shared decision making’ to ‘shared conversations’ to facilitate and empower women & families & getting to know parents preferences before advice is offered #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/AeO4qMD9j6
- @HeartMummy “reviewing the @iHealthVisiting Parent Tips is another fab example of how the #IHV collaborate with parents @HVeCOP working towards a shared communication framework #iHVConf18
- #ihvconf18 children with poor vocabulary age 5 are one and a half times more likely to have mental health problems at age 34. The Communication Trust
- Fab session about domestic violence by Dr Sue Peckover at #iHVconf18 Inspiring during my training & inspiring today pic.twitter.com/NW10Y6oqAN
- Second session starting off with reflective parenting from @redfernpsychol #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/s3IT1H8R3o
- #ihvconf18 The Communication Trust 44% of health visitor students surveyed had received little or no learning in typical speech language and communication development in their training we need to review this going forward
- #ihvconf18 Speech Language and communication. Framework levels health visitors can self assess skills and knowledge from The Communication Trust
- #ihvconf18 New programme for health visitors Early Voices project The Communication Trust are recruiting now
- @redfernpsychol talking reflective parenting and its theoretical links to mentalising & reflective functioning and sharing tools to support and enable reflective parenting: the emotional thermometer 🌡 @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18
- Concurrent sessions at #ihvconf18..child development, working effectively with parents, transformational parenting and safeguarding....another set of fab speakers!
- @redfernpsychol discussing relational trauma and how it can impact. So important HCPs are mindful of this when working with families @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 pic.twitter.com/VmXRff0pZkhttps://t.co/VmXRff0pZkpic.twitter.com/VmXRff0pZk
- Home visiting crucial to building relationships with families and identifying safeguarding issues #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/u3T7uLOO0o
- Now up, Dr Crispin Day on transforming children’s lives #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/Dq42nQn61I
- “Parenting has the power to inoculate against a difficult future” Thank you @DrCrispinDay #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/yWQeYgqfZs
- Dr Crispin Day @KingsCollegeLon @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 “Parenting has the power 2 change & transform lives” Combining the potency of parents, professionals & community-using building community capacity #PeerSupport AND building the “biggest open door”-making help easy to get pic.twitter.com/SKjNhTjMcuhttps://t.co/SKjNhTjMcupic.twitter.com/SKjNhTjMcuhttps://t.co/SKjNhTjMcupic.twitter.com/SKjNhTjMcu
- Empowering parents, empowering communities..... maybe a solution to help parents with skills they need for parenting from Dr Crispin Day #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/IXhl0GjfANhttps://t.co/IXhl0GjfANpic.twitter.com/IXhl0GjfANhttps://t.co/IXhl0GjfANpic.twitter.com/IXhl0GjfANhttps://t.co/IXhl0GjfANpic.twitter.com/IXhl0GjfAN
- #iHVConf18 Its always so powerful and informative hearing from parents. https://twitter.com/melita_walker/status/971389625037139969 …
- Coming to the end of a fantastic shared learning #iHVConf18 #networking with colleagues from all over England, Ireland and Wales @KwatengStella @mattlund13 @NELFT pic.twitter.com/EJGe9eZZV8
- Poster presentation by @TDeave at #ihvconf18 on the injury prevention photosphere that they are developing. An interactive tool developed with parents & HVs. @BristolCCAH @mbrussoni @EustacedeSousa
- Now some posters from practice at #iHVconf18 ...here’s Jean Cowie from MHS Education Scotland on a web-based tool to help HVs give children the best start in life. pic.twitter.com/AA1Stfg1fP
- Here’s the poster from @TDeave ...the Injury Prevention Photosphere #iHVconf18 pic.twitter.com/5io0Qqto7e
- @TDeave sharining innovative approaches to accident prevention “photosphere” @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 pic.twitter.com/hS1DGfZTsx
- And here’s the final presented poster on “how social is our engagement?” #ihvconf18 by @Cre8tiveMETAPHOR pic.twitter.com/t965SUriDz
- #ihvconf18 great to hear Laura Newbould -Jones turning a student project into an amazing product - P.L.A.N
- Fabulous presentation from Laura Newbould-Jones Founder of CreativeMETAPHOR on “how social is our engagement” 🌟#iHVConf18 @iHealthVisiting pic.twitter.com/iQEfcYZnhb
- #ihvconf18 great to hear Lord Willis speaking about genomics and the relevance to health visiting it’s the future of healthcare pic.twitter.com/2KfZ20lMgo
- Our final presentation of #iHVconf18 from @LordWillisg on #Genomics for #healthvisitors - endless opportunities. #genomics is the future of healthcare pic.twitter.com/QPzu52f7hE
- Lord Willis of Knaresborough finishing the @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18 with great style Talking all things grandparents as well as a fab talk on Genomics for #healthvisitors - endless opportunities! pic.twitter.com/9A4ERzYiON
- Learning about Genomics from Lord Willis #ihvconf18
- Endless opportunities within #Genomics for Health visitors from @LordWillisg #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/IDIK9Ca0Zy
- #ihvconf18 Lord Willis talking about genomics and the role of the health visitor who are the leaders in delivering healthcare and wellbeing to 0-5s
- Great to be at #iHVconf18 today with talks on #mentalhealth and ACEs, parenting peer support programmes and service users' voices @iHealthVisiting pic.twitter.com/SDVDp4XcAD
- What an interesting & fascinating speech from @LordWillisg on Genomics for #healthvisiting #iHVConf18 @iHealthVisiting @NHS_HealthEdEng Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Endless opportunities! pic.twitter.com/J9xfglRrG3
- @Cr8tiveMETAPHOR was wonderful! Amazing presentation thinking about message delivery #ihvconf18 https://twitter.com/melita_walker/status/971417362951036928 …
- #iHVConf18 useful resources available for health visitors Lord Willis l #GenomicsConversation
- Some gr8 info shared by @LordWillisg at #ihvconf18 ....how can HVs learn more and some useful resources...and join the #GenomicsConversation @genomicsedu pic.twitter.com/sIfyD2r2IE
- Join the #GenomicsConversation #ihvconf18 a wonderful presentation from @LordWillisg @genomicsedu pic.twitter.com/XDUfeD3bWB
- Big shout out to all the fab staff @KingsHouseConf in #Manchester for all their help for #ihvconf18 - thank you!
- @Susan_Kent2 attending the @iHealthVisiting annual conference on Child Health and Welfare #ihvconf18 pic.twitter.com/6LXWaEmpsw
- Thank you ever so much to @x_SamJ_x for your support with the #iHVConf18 and for the lovely adventure we had these two days
- Really inspiring day at the #iHVConf18. Such a wealth of information to take back and reflect on throughout my training and beyond. Particularly looking forward to joining the #GenomicsConversation. pic.twitter.com/rmvYlPnEOt
- @MediRedi Thank you for exhibiting with us and sharing your great product for parent piece of mind #medicines at the @iHealthVisiting Best Start in Life #iHVconf18 today
- @HarlowPrinting Thank you for exhibiting with us today and supporting our #iHVconf18 conference materials #quality @iHealthVisiting
- @EssParent - Great to see you both at @iHealthVisiting #iHVconf18 Best Start in Life. Thank you for exhibiting with us #TopTeam
- @Comm_nTrust - Thank you for exhibiting with us today @iHealthVisiting #iHVConf18. Excellent support for the #BestStartInLife
- @1stepsnutrition - thanks for exhibiting with us @iHealthVisiting #iHVconf18 today. Wonderful factual presentation on #OralHealth&Nutrition and #AvidTweeting
- @MrsBish71 @iHealthVisiting It was such a great conference! We learned so much - thank you for including us. Well done - you are doing vital work to promote #childhealth @iHealthVisiting #ihvconf18
- @lalasteadman @CSHSurrey Congratulations Nicola on your. Breast feeding poster @UNICEF_uk hope you had a wonderful day #iHVConf18 @CFHS_Surrey
- Thank you for your kind words @x_SamJ_x amazing day, proud to be involved in #iHVconf18 - so many inspiring people #everychildmatters
- #ihvconf18 A huge thank you to all our wonderful speakers. All your presentations have received great feedback. @iHealthVisiting
- Sounds like a great conference! Congratulations to all speakers, delegates and organisers #iHVConf18 https://twitter.com/iHealthVisiting/status/971401698785792000 …
- Thank you for your kinds words Melita - It was such an inspiring day #iHVconf18 👏 https://twitter.com/melita_walker/status/971417362951036928 …
- @curlytoptwin Thanks Catherine - we had a great day - and great feedback from our delegates too! #ihvconf18
- Many congrats to the winner of the poster competition at #iHVconf18 - Becky Taylor (a newly-qualified HV in #Manchester ) for an excellent poster on Book Prescribing for Speech, Language and School Readiness - clearly presented innovation, working across boundaries pic.twitter.com/yMZsMQYF7Z
- The foundations for virtually every aspect of human development - physical, intellectual and emotional - are laid in early childhood. Active families. @iHealthVisiting #iHVconf18 @_ukactive pic.twitter.com/2yD5AYnJGY
- RT @becky_price1709: What an interesting & fascinating speech from @LordWillisg on Genomics for #healthvisiting #iHVConf18 @iHealthVisiting @NHS_HealthEdEng Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Endless opportunities! pic.twitter.com/FY2i6fZJxo
- A full day for all our delegates - lots to share and take away from #iHVConf18 https://twitter.com/Anwenevans5/status/971420299119026177 …
- Well done to all our poster submissions yesterday at #iHVconf18 - lots of amazing posters shared about #healthvisiting practice. As well as our poster winner Becky Taylor (in photo) we had 3 highly commended posters - see next tweets for photos (1/4) pic.twitter.com/1aySXBBKgo
- Highly commended poster #iHVConf18 - Natalie Davies on behalf of Cardiff Flying Start - Weaning parties increase families' confidence and knowledge in feeding their baby - an excellent poster addressing a key area of #publichealth need and demonstrating team work. (2/4) pic.twitter.com/vjz3HsPpgF
- Highly commended poster #iHVConf18 - Miriam Jones and Jenna Davies from Cardiff and Vale UHB, Cardiff Flying Start - Communication Clinics: Making best use of SLT Time - shows clear impact on wellbeing of children (3/4) pic.twitter.com/AxYobqM54f
- Highly commended poster #iHVConf18 - Jean Cowie from NHS Education for #Scotland - Speech, Language and Communication: A web-based tool to help #healthvisitors give children the best start in life - a highly relevant educational resource, set to be an excellent web resource (4/4) pic.twitter.com/UOZRVYtveY
- Amazing experience presenting #iHVConf18 with @HeartMummy @JenConnectEmEd about shared conversations between parents and health visitors that acknowledge parents are holders of knowledge and experience equal to HVS and both can learn from each other pic.twitter.com/RO20YAmnCr
- More from yesterday's #ihvconf18 . https://twitter.com/potter_barbara2/status/971858524245516290 …
- It was our pleasure to support this event and we look forward to next years. #iHVconf18 https://twitter.com/MrsBish71/status/971465204197404680 …