- Receiving fab feedback from #breastfeeding2018. A huge thank you to all our exceptional speakers and to our partner @R_S_P_H and supporter @ WBTI. It was a very dynamic day with masses of learning and collaboration. @iHealthVisiting
- @JonAshworth Hope it goes well Jon! Great cause ❤️ loved your intervention at @iHealthVisiting #Breastfeeding2018 day this week.
- And this is just the costs of the GP appointments! Doesn’t even include the £48 MILLION the NHS could save in treating breast cancer, NEC and childhood infections - or the £14 BILLION impact on the UK economy of cognitive and productivity outcomes #breastfeeding2018 https://twitter.com/betterbfing/status/986933358411370497 …
- .@JonAshworth delivers Labour pledge at #breastfeeding conference http://bit.ly/2vCcKpQ @R_S_P_H @wbtiuk #breastfeeding2018 #healthvisiting pic.twitter.com/eTcUw3JGB5
- So helpful to shine a light on breastfeeding yesterday at #breastfeeding2018. Take home messages: normalise breastfeeding to increase continuation, have enough peer supporters and HVs to support mums, link your GP to the GP network for information for mums, don’t forget MH issues
- Perfect post conference read #breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H @iHealthVisiting @wbtiuk @JonAshworth @babyfriendly @RCPCHPresident @heartsmilkbank @gp_aulait @GP_IFN @BetterBfing @makesmilk Breastfeeding as a public heath responsibility:a review of the evidence https://bit.ly/2qM3n1T
- @Prof_AmyBrown @iHealthVisiting @JonAshworth @babyfriendly @RCPCHPresident @makesmilk @BetterBfing @heartsmilkbank @GP_IFN @gp_aulait Quick copy and paste with hashtag! #breastfeeding2018
- Commissioning local infant feeding services? Case study from @ABetterMedway #BesideYou, guidance from @PHE_uk @babyfriendly, summary from @BetterBfing. See also @wbtiuk recs #Ind6 http://bit.ly/2fisV3x #breastfeeding2018 #publichealth @WeCommissioners @R_S_P_H @iHealthVisiting https://twitter.com/gp_ifn/status/987023626284294144 …
- Addressing gaps in #HP training in infant feeding: @babyfriendly leading work on pre-reg standards for #paeds, #dieticians, #pharmacists #breastfeeding2018
- Vital role of #peersupport is a common theme at #breastfeeding2018 Conf @wbtiuk recommendations, #Ind6 @UCLan research, @makesmilk @BfN_UK and @AlisonSpiro presentations #ImNotAlone #MumToMum @AssocBfMothers @LLLGB #babycafe @babyfriendly @PHE_uk guidance, @BetterBfing briefing
- Hearing from many speakers that #HealthVisitors are “lynchpin” of support 4 families in the community, can signpost to #peersupport or #specialistservice as needed #universalservices @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H @AlisonSpiro @bestbeginnings @babyfriendly @wbtiuk #breastfeeding2018
- The impact of #breastfeeding on #maternal and #infant health outlined by @RCPCHPresident and @heartsmilkbank: #healthinequity #publichealth #breastfeedingmatters at #breastfeeding2018 Conf with @iHealthVisiting and @R_S_P_H
- Standards and training from @babyfriendly outlined by #SueAshmore set minimum standard in pre-reg training for MW and HV, and practices in maternity and community settings. See also @wbtiuk recommendations #Ind2 #Ind5 #Ind6 http://bit.ly/2fisV3x #breastfeeding2018
- Really important insights into the gaps in medical training in #InfantFeeding and the impact on mothers and babies, from @GP_IFN. See also @wbtiuk recommendations #Ind5 in part 1 & 2 #HPtraining #breastfeeding2018 http://bit.ly/2gLnPMs
- @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H @wbtiuk Gutted to have missed out on all this great learning and re-framing of views. Thanks for the titbits. Hehe. #breastfeeding2018
- Did you know that the UK shows statistically some of the lowest rates of breastfeeding worldwide? Best Beginnings was at the Breastfeeding: a public health priority conference showcasing @babybuddyapp http://ow.ly/juqC30jzlYH #breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H @iHealthVisiting pic.twitter.com/LqtcSNKN0j
- Labour pledges to give every new mum an extra session with a health visitor - As announced by @JonAshworth MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health, at our #breastfeeding conference yesterday. http://bit.ly/2HORNdI http://bit.ly/2HO9NVz #breastfeeding2018 #healthvisiting
- Lots nees to be done to encourage #breastfeeding2018 https://twitter.com/NBHelpline/status/986896974384390144 …
- http://tinyurl.com/yc2pkwlj @iHealthVisiting reports 50% cuts to breastfeeding support. Sign and share our petition to end these cuts @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018
- Hi @ZoeASargent, hope you were able to follow our conference yesterday on Breastfeeding: A Public Health Priority”, with @iHealthVisiting and @R_S_P_H, looking at how @wbtiuk could improve support for@families in the community. Follow #breastfeeding2018
- Media coverage of our conference yesterday with @iHealthVisiting and @R_S_P_H “#Breastfeeding: A Public Health Priority.” Follow #breastfeeding2018 https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/news-topics/public-health/health-visitor-cuts-negatively-affecting-breastfeeding-support/7024145.article …
- News report online after #Breastfeeding2018 event yesterday in London https://www.nursingtimes.net/7024145.article?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NT_EditorialNewsletters.Reg%3A+Send+-+Nursing+Times+Daily+News&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWm1RMll6aGpOVFpsWlRRMyIsInQiOiJVbDFkS0FsRkxFa05OOWo0VHdoRGhoUEx4RngzYVJVT3NwaW1nekR4RTh3M2NZdWN0T0VlMDVMd0dTWklcL3FvUmFRV3J6ejV3QjE4bVdsTmNicmhGZkZQN1NEOERHM1VhOHU4R2VZMk8wRGkrQ3l2bGNabmY0Q1R5RWVIZ3pkdngifQ%3D%3D …
- @NevilleSouthall @JonAshworth Had the pleasure of listening to him today at #breastfeeding2018 really grasps the importance of focusing on giving children the very best start we can.
- Couldn't agree more with this. My own #breastfeeding experience was completely confusing while in hospital. It's a wonder we managed to do it at all with so much conflicting advise. Thank goodness for the #TowerHamlets breast feeding support teams. #breastfeeding2018 https://twitter.com/makesmilk/status/986898112718532608 …
- Breastfeeding has also been associated with increased intelligence of the child and many health benefits for the mother x #breastfeeding2018
- accepted this, because it suits. I found breastfeeding incredibly relaxing and a wonderfully nurturing special experience and feel it is right to extend further than we do, but until it's accepted universally this will not be viable for the many x #breastfeeding2018
- @iHealthVisiting I have been following #breastfeeding2018 - some great messages to get out there, whether breastfeeding or not! https://twitter.com/iHealthVisiting/status/986887264587444225 …
- breasts as a sexual organ with breasts as a feeding organ. Secondly, many women work and in a society that, largely, believes breastfeeding should end at 6 months, there is pressure and raised eyebrows if you go against the grain. Mainly, society have 3/ #breastfeeding2018
- On the continent and further afield, they view it very differently and encourage much longer breastfeeding than the UK. The two main stumbling blocks in the UK are, people being uncomfortable as they can't disassociate their preconception of 2/ #breastfeeding2018
- When my son was born at The Royal Free London I asked for advice and they totally dismissed it nurse said there is a book in the library - I will never forget that comment - I went on to feed him for 18 months #breastfeeding2018
- I breastfed all three of my children for considerably longer than is the norm in this country. Breastfeeding has been associated with better health of the child, both immediate and future health. The main obstacle, as always, is that society calls the shots 1/ #breastfeeding2018
- Update from @VivJBennett on #breastfeeding in #BetterBirths and @PHE_uk programmes, reducing inequalities, prevention and population health #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/G2m5wqjS2Chttps://t.co/G2m5wqjS2Cpic.twitter.com/G2m5wqjS2C
- #breastfeeding2018 Great tips from my midwife...Baby puts in tomorrows order today, so what you produce today will automatically be there tomorrow, so pump to prep for growth spurts.
- #breastfeeding2018 Great tips from my midwife...don't presume baby needs a dummy/paci, yes they really can be that hungry.
- Dynamic presentation from Scott Elliott @ABetterMedway on Commissioning & Strategy for breastfeeding support #Breastfeeding2018 #BesideYou pic.twitter.com/bZBe1UpRwkhttps://t.co/bZBe1UpRwkpic.twitter.com/bZBe1UpRwkhttps://t.co/bZBe1UpRwkpic.twitter.com/bZBe1UpRwkhttps://t.co/bZBe1UpRwkpic.twitter.com/bZBe1UpRwk
- Just popping in to say not all parents who breastfeed are mums or women and ignoring that fact has a massive negative effect on those parents Love your breastfeeding nonbinary parent #breastfeeding2018
- Lyndsey Hookman IBCLC on the types of #InfantFeeding Issues that require specialist support #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/iF0xaKKAMi
- Proud to be a breastfeeding full-time working Mother. A recent week in hospital could have ended that for me but SDH maternity ward kindly sent me a pump and so our journey continues 💕 #breastfeeding2018 #12monthgoal
- Thanks @makesmilk and the other delegates for the tweets from #breastfeeding2018. Just reading been reading through them...there's lots to think about and such good ideas and projects happening. Our youngest is still breastfeeding and it's such a special part of our family life. https://twitter.com/makesmilk/status/986847986201317377 …
- 1 thing I didn’t know about breastfeeding with my 1st & 2nd babies was was to direct the nipple to the roof of the mouth! I done so much better with baby 3 after watching a demo cd. Get support, but never feel guilty if you move to bottles 💞👶#Exhausting! #breastfeeding2018
- Hearing from Medway commissioner that having trained peer supporters on postnatal wards was the single biggest factor in improving #breastfeeding rates #breastfeeding2018
- Final question panel of the day at #breastfeeding2018 with @makesmilk @shereen_fisher @AlisonSpiro Lyndsey Hookway and Scott Elliott pic.twitter.com/uUWYkt9t8G
- @shereen_fisher CEO @BfN_UK shares @NBHelpline answers 40,000 calls per year and 20% of enquiries to drugs in breastmilk service are about taking antidepressants while BF @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- Final panel speaker today is Specialist Health Visitor @AlisonSpiro #breastfeeding2018
- Now for Alison Spiro a specialist HV speaking about setting up a #breastfeeding peer support programme and the great impact that has. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/Gw53C5bsg8
- Winding up #breastfeeding2018 with our own @AlisonSpiro from @iHealthVisiting and @wbtiuk #breastfeedingmatters “this is primary prevention - breastfeeding should be central to the Health Visitor’s role” pic.twitter.com/lBeHu2n2BR
- @makesmilk The postcode lottery in breastfeeding support is the worst of all the health postcode lotteries in the country #breastfeeding2018
- @makesmilk “postcode lottery” of specialist BF support highlights biggest inequality in healthcare in UK today @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- There is a real postcode lottery for breastfeeding support for families in the UK - in some areas you might get antenatal support, on ward support, text messages, in home visits, community support etc etc... in other areas you get nothing at all - @makesmilk #Breastfeeding2018
- Lovely clinic model described by @makesmilk - working in collaboration with HV & HV assistant in same space. #HV’s need to know their 3rd sector partners names/work with them (even party with them!) to ensure truely joined up service #breastfeeding2018
- @loftyjen @makesmilk same for visiting midwives, who lack training & are pretty open about not bothering about breastfeeding their own as 'it seems too hard to do'!! #breastfeeding2018
- @makesmilk @AssocBfMothers chair reiterates worrying statistic that 90% of women say they stopped breastfeeding before they wanted to - highlighting huge need for quality, accessible, collaborative BF support @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- A mum could have lots of support from lots of health visitors but if they are not well trained in breastfeeding it could actually do more harm than good - it’s not just about numbers. Peer supporters & HVs need to collaborate, work together, party together etc! #breastfeeding2018
- “You could have a HV visit you every day for 6mths, but if they don’t have correct training it won’t help BF” @makesmilk makes vital point that continuity of care does not help without correct training #Breastfeeding2018
- 90% of women say they stopped breastfeeding before they wanted to - this should be a national scandal, front page news - but for some reason it’s not - @makesmilk #breastfeeding2018
- Three volunteers at #breastfeeding2018 holding some info for @makesmilk during her short talk pic.twitter.com/PONj2iTFef
- Lyndsey Hookway IBCLC delivers talk to provide clarity on the role of the infant feeding specialist and a specialist service #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/6VTFrnqTythttps://t.co/6VTFrnqTytpic.twitter.com/6VTFrnqTyt
- Now at #breastfeeding2018 Emma PICKETT @makesmilk, chair of @AssocBfMothers (who are celebrating their 40th birthday next year!) 🎉
- Now for some short talks at #breastfeeding2018 starting with @shereen_fisher from @BfN_UK pic.twitter.com/JZuGTJfQS7
- .@shereen_fisher talking about @BfN_UK’s peer support work across the UK and the drugs in Breastmilk service #breastfeeding2018
- Expert panel discussion now at #Breastfeeding2018 including @BfN_UK’s @shereen_fisher and @AssocBfMothers @makesmilk 👍
- Last session at #breastfeeding2018 starts with @holliepoetry’s poem ‘Embarrassed’ 💛
- Follow and join in the conversation online at the "#Breastfeeding: a public health priority" conference #breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H taking place today 🗣️ 🔗 https://bit.ly/2F004fL 🤱 #PublicHealth pic.twitter.com/aWE2nXHMTF
- Just a quick correction to the recent slide: the National Breastfeeding Helpline is a partnership between the @AssocBfMothers and the @BfN_UK. Our counsellors and supporters come together to take calls. #breastfeeding2018
- .@VivJBennett shares new project in Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly Global Programme #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/KuDM0zeIK6
- @VivJBennett addresssing @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 on range of breastfeeding work streams led by PHE pic.twitter.com/hC9TjOlZ9Y
- Updates from @VivJBennett on @PHE_uk national action at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/QhPTVOBJWF
- We will be seeing a lot of this @PHE_uk image to support improving #breastfeeding #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/XM8nsmu0JO
- Viv Bennett, Director Maternity and early years, Public Health England: multiple levels of action by multiple agencies needed. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/CLnkAJm8JP
- Now at #breastfeeding2018 it’s @VivJBennett to talk on national developments for #breastfeeding #healthvisiting pic.twitter.com/AYce7rpPWT
- Scott Elliot Head of Health & Wellbeing Services @medway_council shares very moving #besideyou normalising BF campaign video 🧡 http://besideyou.abettermedway.co.uk Cue mass applause! 👏🏼 @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- Time for questions to our afternoon speakers Scott Elliott, Dr Gill Thomson, Louise Hunt and Lyndsey Hookway at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/xibSZqFBJI
- Scott Elliott from Medway council: Don’t just think breastfeeding rates, think people. It’s not 1%, it’s 35 more mums. Can health visitors in one area each help 2 more mums? #breastfeeding2018
- Retweeted NationalBFHelpline (@NBHelpline): Scott Elliott from Medway Council @BesideYouMedway at #breastfeeding2018 showing a lovely film they made about breastfeeding in public - sounds like a great campaign
- Lovely video commissioned by #medway #besideyou to normalise BF & work to raising BF rates #breastfeeding2018 https://vimeo.com/176718248
- Great video to support #breastfeeding in @medway_council ....#besideyou #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/nZ519CeaPc
- Scott Elliott from Medway Council @BesideYouMedway at #breastfeeding2018 showing a lovely film they made about breastfeeding in public - sounds like a great campaign
- Our Chief Exec @shereen_fisher is speaking on a panel at #breastfeeding2018 today. It's a conference on breastfeeding as a public health priority. Fliss is tweeting for us all day on @NBHelpline if you want to see what they're discussing.
- Next speaker at #breastfeeding2018 is Scott Elliott @medway_council on a System Wide Strategic Approach . pic.twitter.com/pmJadfioJ6
- See just how vital Breastfeeding can be even in tackling the problem of depression in new mothers: "mothers who planned to breastfeed and "-" went on to breastfeed were around 50% less likely to become depressed" #breastfeeding2018 https://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/breastfeeding-ad-perinatal-mental-health/ …
- Brilliant talk from @FeedSleepBond Lyndsey Hookway. Highlighting what is really needed: Peer support, health professionals, specialist pathways. #breastfeeding2018
- The infant feeding lead may NOT be the infant feeding specialist. The infant feeding lead may focus on management, evaluation. A different person may be the clinical lead. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/eiinHsSiRF
- The importance of peer support from Dr Gill Thomson and Louise Hunt #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/pfO3JEhtib
- Lyndsey Hookway talking at #Breastfeeding2018 about how many mums end up feeling confused & frustrated about the multiple opinions and ‘advice’ given to them from different sources about breastfeeding issues. Evidence based, good quality sources of info needed
- Lyndsey Hookway describes what ideal infant feeding team would look like. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/5Seivwdafh
- Lyndsey Hookway: “No one should need to pay to access specialist breastfeeding support.” #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/LWY8ou0M06
- BF peer support outcomes = positive social networks, improves mental health, support for vulnerable women, reduces caseload for HCPs and helps mums identify other health & wellbeing needs @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- Lyndsey Hookway IBCLC explains the importance of parents having access to infant feeding specialists. @wbtiuk and @babyfriendly both recommend a specialist referral service for more complex problems. Infant feeding team may not always have specialist training. #breastfeeding2018
- Now Lyndsey Hookway on the role of the infant feeding specialist at #breastfeeding2018 , and shares the story of a mum’s experience of needing an infant feeding specialist pic.twitter.com/wRqWSgqKSP
- @rjwrm @iHealthVisiting @HelenGrayIBCLC @wbtiuk Louise Hunt discussing her work to come on this at #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/64rJZbDerk
- Legacy of peer support - changing expectations of parents, health professional attitudes, changing community support for breastfeeding, advocacy for breastfeeding . #breastfeeding2018
- Dr Gillian Thomson from @UClLan MAINN team explains 3 tier remit of BF peer support 1. changing individual behaviours 2. building BF communities 3. instilling positive BF culture @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- Mothers who had stopped breastfeeding before they wanted to give their suggestions for improvement - @Prof_AmyBrown #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/PQOEu92Ffohttps://t.co/PQOEu92Ffopic.twitter.com/PQOEu92Ffohttps://t.co/PQOEu92Ffopic.twitter.com/PQOEu92Ffohttps://t.co/PQOEu92Ffopic.twitter.com/PQOEu92Ffo
- Peer supporters can facilitate micro and macro change. Creates a culture, social support. Mothers may talk about other areas where they need support and can be signposted. Benefits health professionals too. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/eSZScxcjjY
- Starting the afternoon session at #breastfeeding2018 is Dr Gill Thomson from @UCLan on the importance of peer support in #breastfeeding pic.twitter.com/4rtUXesC2W
- Come and say hello upstairs at #breastfeeding2018 and take a look at our leaflets and magazines. https://twitter.com/assocbfmothers/status/986889136484200448 …
- Questions for the second part of the morning speakers at #breastfeeding2018 @HelenGrayIBCLC @ClareMeynell @sue_ashmore @Prof_AmyBrown pic.twitter.com/UEmIBwcket
- Who do formula feeding mums go to for support? Who talks to them about responsive feeding and gives them emotional support? @Prof_AmyBrown #breastfeeding2018
- A mother says, “I hate the language of choice. It’s very often not a choice.” #breastfeeding2018
- @Prof_AmyBrown breastfeeding grief lasts for decades. The answer: love, care and support for mothers to help them reach their breastfeeding goals #Breastfeeding2018
- Clinical signs of trauma/ PTSD are clear in women who had problems feeding and weren't supported #breastfeeding2018 @Prof_AmyBrown
- Critical topic of the relationship between #InfantFeeding and #MaternalMentalHealth -@Prof_AmyBrown on how breastfeeding difficulties can ⬆️ PND & PND can impact on breastfeeding #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/9cuET4zby1https://t.co/9cuET4zby1pic.twitter.com/9cuET4zby1
- Women feel a range of reactions when breastfeeding ends. And some are showing clinical signs of being traumatised. Don’t tell them it doesn’t matter. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/wst7ohreUt
- Lack of support causes difficulties breastfeeding and postnatal depression which then impact each other @Prof_AmyBrown #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/KyWYipdo4s
- Why are women who are depressed sometimes encouraged to end breastfeeding? It can have huge significance. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/9oqVKyZMM8
- #breastfeeding2018 love the concept of mothering the mother to initiate and sustain breastfeeding to improve a mums mental health
- Lots of evidence based info about this here from @BfN_UK’s Drugs in breastmilk info service: https://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/breastfeeding-ad-perinatal-mental-health/ … #breastfeeding2018 https://twitter.com/makesmilk/status/986934772449542144 …
- And @Prof_AmyBrown nails it again! Impact of #breastfeeding on #maternalmentalhealth #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/rkCKN5OuNe
- Research shows that depressed mums interact differently with their babies #breastfeeding2018 #perinatalmetalhealth pic.twitter.com/JrFlvaadMH
- Sue Ashmore #Breastfeeding2018 new Baby Friendly standards in development for medical, pharmacy and dietician students #hospitalbreastfeeding
- @Prof_AmyBrown: Women are still being given false information that they can’t breastfeed and take antidepressants. #breastfeeding2018
- @Prof_AmyBrown: women aren’t just feeling ‘sad’ about not being able to breastfeed. Feeling loss, trauma, grief. These are women who could have breastfed with the right support. Mental health implications are huge. #Breastfeeding2018
- Next at #breastfeeding2018 is @Prof_AmyBrown - she starts by saying that we know a woman’s experience of breastfeeding really matters - even talking to women whose babies are now in their 50/60s can remember what happened and how they felt about it
- Impact of #breastfeeding on #mentalhealth: hugely protective, but opposite of it doesn’t @Prof_AmyBrown #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/KUgkfA6mRi
- Next up is @Prof_AmyBrown on the impact of #breastfeeding on #mentahealth at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/fIxeIarD6V
- Sue Ashmore @babyfriendly is now developing learning outcomes and resources for other HCPs #Breastfeeding2018 #MedEd pic.twitter.com/uOgzpUGnei
- Thank you @HelenGrayIBCLC and Sue Ashmore from @babyfriendly for mentioning more training in infant feeding needed for dietitians. Looking forward to working with unicef next month to create learning outcomes for student RDs! #breastfeeding2018
- @babyfriendly going to develop accreditation for individuals (not meant to replace IBCLC qualification) - something that can travel with people. #breastfeeding2018
- Sue Ashmore says women need social support - someone who believes they can do this. That can’t happen within normal health visiting services. Specialist services also needed. @babyfriendly are developing standards for medical schools. First draft done. #breastfeeding2018
- Sue Ashmore @babyfriendly discusses the impact of a structured education programme on outcomes in Scotland 🏴 #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/16NHLjTRKq
- @wbtiuk “Tend & befriend is female response to stress. Peer support and mothers’ groups are essential. Digital support is an add-on, not a replacement” #breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H @Brthcompanions
- Shocking breastfeeding stats from @wbtiuk BF in crisis! Only 1% of mums excl. BF at 6months and UK has lowest BF rate in the world at 12months #breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H @Brthcompanions
- Details of latest Scottish Infant feeding survey just published show the impact of a #breastfeeding programme #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/YFgGEmWV7n
- Scotland had an entrenched bottlefeeding culture but have shown you can make a difference with a mass education programme of health professionals. Latest Scottish survey shows improved rates at 6 months. 89% of women received help for problems. #breastfeeding2018
- Sue Ashmore of @babyfriendly discussing the history of BFI and standards for training for Health Visitors #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/6TVHH9WxbJhttps://t.co/6TVHH9WxbJpic.twitter.com/6TVHH9WxbJ
- What @babyfriendly requires of #healthvisitors....this is not to make every HV a specialist in #breastfeeding but to make sure they all have the basic skills #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/qP58aaJiP5
- @babyfriendly training won’t make health visitors specialists in breastfeeding but it will create a workforce who can use evidence-based information to support women. #breastfeeding2018
- Sue Ashmore from @babyfriendly talks about the value of health visiting training meeting Baby friendly standards. The courses may only be a year long but what is more important? #breastfeeding2018
- Now @sue_ashmore from @babyfriendly on education and training of #healthvisitors through the Baby Friendly Initiative at #breastfeeding2018 #healthvisiting pic.twitter.com/hY9kvZmVm4
- Now at #breastfeeding2018 it’s @babyfriendly Programme Director Sue Ashmore talking about education & training of health visitors through the Baby Friendly Initiative
- A case of false economy for the health budget? re: loss of peer support raised by @HelenGrayIBCLC @wbtiuk at #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/8xPkiHXAqa
- 'Baby Friendly Initiative was the first international public health programme' Sue Ashmore #breastfeeding2018 @babyfriendly @iHealthVisiting
- Helen Gray from @wbtiuk highlights the need to consider infant feeding in emergency planning. We are not immune to emergencies in the UK. In her own area, families went without water for days just a few weeks ago. #breastfeeding2018
- At #Breastfeeding2018 @HelenGrayIBCLC discusses gaps in #HCP training (including #GP education) Re: #InfantFeeding support, @babyfriendly training enhances this for Health Visitors and Midwives. Hoping for #MedEd to follow pic.twitter.com/BrFJXmydvR
- .@wbtiuk recommendations for community services include commissioning the full range of #healthvisiting services and Baby Friendly accreditation in all community settings #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/JNhyslWZyq
- Community support for Breastfeeding is essential @HelenGrayIBCLC online resources useful for information, but can’t replace meeting up w other mothers - knowing their not alone #breastfeeding2018
- Thank you for a wonderful talk @JonAshworth at #breastfeeding2018 . Please consider putting the WHO Code on Labour's manifesto. More info - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.unicef.org.uk/babyfriendly/baby-friendly-resources/guidance-for-health-professionals/the-code/amp/ …
- @wbtiuk breastfeeding is the ultimate sustainable and secure food source #breastfeeding2018
- Jon Ashworth MP addressing #breastfeeding2018 saying very sensible things about the challenges of breastfeeding, this is helpful to hear from a senior politician. Next Labour gov plan to make country the best in world too grow up in - there is much to be done pic.twitter.com/9KOGVDUykh
- Jonathan Ashworth MP now addressing #Breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting emphasising the importance of investing in childhood for lifelong benefits and reducing inequalities @JonAshworth
- Fabulous to see increase in mothers donating milk for hospitals via @heartsmilkbank This milk is particularly used where mums can’t breast feed due to medical conditions #Breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H
- Breastfeeding saves lives in high income countries @russellviner #Breastfeeding2018 reduction infection has good evidence low income countries @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H
- Next up at #breastfeeding2018 Dr Russell Viner, new President of the @RcPch. Need new focus on data. Human species would not have survived without breastfeeding!
- Brilliant start to #breastfeeding2018 with Dr Louise Santhanam describing her 3 breastfeeding journeys.
- #breastfeeding2018 Dr Natalie Shenker now describes modern milk banking and how prem babies can benefit hughly from it but also how donating milk increases breastfeeding rates @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H
- Now for @HelenGrayIBCLC and @ClareMeynell on @wbtiuk report recommendations at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/nMNHmgYW9M
- Excellent question for @JonAshworth at @R_S_P_H conference “will Labour incorporate full WHO Code into UK law?” Slightly thrown but replies “I’ll look into it” #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- Ayala Ochert from @BetterBfing highlights the role of peer supporters. @JonAshworth agrees it’s a “false economy” to cut peer supporters as the tax payers end up picking up the pieces. #breastfeeding2018
- @JonAshworth is looking forward to his forthcoming visit to @heartsmilkbank 😊 #breastfeeding2018 @DrNShenker @wbtiuk @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H pic.twitter.com/zeBhICYd0U
- Now invitation extended to @JonAshworth to visit a milk bank by @heartsmilkbank (?called doing an @Thercal - he mentioned going out w #HV’s in Leicester 👍🏻) #breastfeeding2018
- @JonAshworth Shadow Health Secretary outlines & acknowledges huge health inequalities in UK, Labour’s plans to invest in child health services, more HVs and BF support for every mother #breastfeeding2018 @B_S_P_H @Brthcompanions
- @JonAshworth speaking at #breastfeeding2018 ‘children are 20% of our population & 100% of our future’ ♥️
- Gentle start to Q’s for @JonAshworth : will Labour adopt whole of the WHO code into law.... he’ll look into it #Breastfeeding2018
- .@JonAshworth #healthvisitors are key practitioners in supporting mothers to #breastfeed at #breastfeeding2018
- At #Breastfeeding2018 @JonAshworth calls to mandate/bring back the 3-4m contact & the additional funding needed to fulfil this.
- @JonAshworth Future of health visitors at a crucial stage. 1/3 of HVs say their ability to support breastfeeding has reduced. Labour will reintroduce training bursary & introduce new mandated health visit at 3-4 months. It means more recruitment and resources. #breastfeeding2018
- @JonAshworth acknowledging and recognising the valuable public health contribution of health visitors in supporting breastfeeding #breastfeeding2018
- @R_S_P_H @healthvisiting come and see us on our stand. Great prices on all books for Conference delegates! #breastfeeding2018
- @JonAshworth also pledges to encourage @babyfriendly accreditation across the UK. Highlights huge cuts to 0-5 services and pledges to reverse them, commits to resourcing the health visiting service. #breastfeeding2018
- 'Local authorities have had £52 million worth of cuts for public health for <5s, not sustainable or fair' @JonAshworth #Breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting @BDA_Paediatrics
- Next Labour govt would support all units to achieve and maintain @babyfriendly accreditation says @JonAshworth #breastfeeding2018
- Hearing @JonAshworth commit to #earlyyears #childhealth & #breastfeedingsupport at #Breastfeeding2018 unless we act now we will see further pressures on the NHS in future pic.twitter.com/nyssudgCE2
- RT @NBHelpline: #breastfeeding2018 @JonAshworth says it’s the worst of all worlds if we as a country tell mums that ‘breastfeeding is best’ but then don’t provide the support to back this up and help mums reach their breastfeeding goals
- Thank you @UKLabour and @JonAshworth for pledging to reinstate the infant feeding survey at #Breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting
- Stop emphasis on telling mothers to breastfeed and instead ensure support/help available - reverse ongoing cuts & respect maternal informed choices @JonAshworth #breastfeeding2018
- @JonAshworth, shadow health minister, pledges to reintroduce the infant feeding survey if Labour reaches government. #breastfeeding2018
- #breastfeeding2018 @JonAshworth says it’s the worst of all worlds if we as a country tell mums that ‘breastfeeding is best’ but then don’t provide the support to back this up and help mums reach their breastfeeding goals
- @JonAshworth highlights the problem when mums feel pressure to breastfeed but then find the support is lacking (and may even have been cut). #Breastfeeding2018
- Ambition to make UK’s children the healthiest of the world and supporting mothers to breastfeed is key in this @JonAshworth #breastfeeding2018
- At #breastfeeding2018 @JonAshworth “Our ambition should be to make Britain’s children the healthiest in the world...Supporting mothers to breastfeed can reduce health inequalities.”
- Inequality caused 250,000 paediatric hospital admissions in the UK 2015-16 @JonAshworth @iHealthVisiting #breastfeeding2018
- “Poverty should carry a public health warning” @JonAshworth highlights the vast inequalities in UK around accessing healthcare, dental decay and obesity. Improving health vital for future of #NHS #breastfeeding2018
- As a country we spend more on obesity than police or fire service @JonAshworth public health matters but we aren't doing enough #breastfeeding2018 #obesity @iHealthVisiting
- Jonathan Ashworth MP speaks on the importance of breastfeeding for early years #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/weZLDYzAL5
- @JonAshworth emphasising the importance of ensuring every child gets the best start #breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting @wbtiuk @R_S_P_H
- 29% of girls overweight - only second to USA; @JonAshworth makes his case for increased #publichealth funding #breastfeeding2018
- @JonAshworth “We are lagging behind most other high-income countries on obesity and breastfeeding...We are facing an obesity crisis.” #breastfeeding2018
- Now for @JonAshworth Shadow Sec of State for Health on the importance of #breastfeeding and early years at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/4cc1LWlrEw
- Looking forward to hearing from MP & Shadow Secretary of State for Health @JonAshworth #Breastfeeding2018
- @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H @wbtiuk I'm following with great interest-I so wish I could be there today!#Breastfeeding2018
- If you're at the @iHealthVisiting Breastfeeding Conference today, take a look at our full position statement and short summary here: https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/news/rcpch-publishes-new-guidance-breastfeeding-highlighting-health-benefits-and-importance-tackling … #breastfeeding2018
- @DrNShenker explains development & reach of @heartsmilkbank and outlines clear health benefits of donor breast milk to pre & full term babies, huge financial benefits to NHS and v.significant improvements to maternal breastfeeding outcomes #breastfeeding2018 @Brthcompanions
- @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 @RCPCHPresident Dr Russell Viner @RCPCHtweets shares current research evidence on benefits of BF with strong evidence for reduction in childhood & later life obesity @Brthcompanions pic.twitter.com/vxiB7KOhtO
- Questions to this morning’s speakers @RCPCHPresident @gp_aulait @DrNShenker at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/TXouI9BA1O
- @RCPCHPresident 'We would certainly be interested in more research exploring human donor milk and the role of milk banks ' #breastfeeding2018 @heartsmilkbank @DrNShenker @makesmilk @wbtiuk @iHealthVisiting
- Launching Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly Wales in Cardiff yesterday - great preparation for the @R_S_P_H and @iHealthVisiting conference today! Come and check out our #BBF poster! #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/Gdnc4CoDHGhttps://t.co/Gdnc4CoDHGpic.twitter.com/Gdnc4CoDHG
- @DrNShenker 'No one goes to their schools career advisor and says I'd like to set up a milk bank ' ... maybe they will after your fabulous work @heartsmilkbank ❤ #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/5jUVBXjyzv
- Individual mothers produce up to 200 HMO in their breast milk @heartsmilkbank @DrNShenker #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/bLqQvaktkt
- @DrNShenker @heartsmilkbank talking about the physiological importance of breast milk and breastfeeding for both babies and mothers #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/MFhNrCPuUe
- The @heartsmilkbank is working with @MummysStar to provide donor milk for women receiving treatment for cancer in the postnatal period #Breastfeeding2018
- Donor breast milk needs to be treated but it still contains far more components than formula #breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H @wbtiuk @iHealthVisiting
- The case for of donor breastmilk being made by @DrNShenker from @heartsmilkbank at #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/XGPBI9Tom1
- #breastfeeding2018 @RCPCHPresident speaking - ‘Our children are blighted by inequality and breastfeeding reduces inequality’
- Breastfeeding must be built into obesity prevention strategies #breastfeeding2018 @RCPCHPresident @wbtiuk @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H @obesity pic.twitter.com/wXCsP525yU
- Next up at #breastfeeding2018 is Dr Natalie Shenker from @heartsmilkbank on how milk banking can help impact public health in a significant way
- Here’s @DrNShenker cofounder of @heartsmilkbank on the roles for milk banking at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/qAdoTkFKLk
- Now Dr Natalie Shenker from @heartsmilkbank highlights physiological effect on maternal health: breast cancer & ovarian cancer among other conditions. Infant health impact well-known. Yet equitable access to breastmilk in the UK has a long way to go. #breastfeeding2018
- @R_S_P_H #breastfeeding2018 off to interesting start with Dr Santhanam talking about @GP_IFN an online forum to connect GPs to enhance BF support by sharing info, research, resources & encourage multidisciplinary collaboration @Brthcompanions
- Great protective effects from #breastfeeding from @RCPCHPresident at #breastfeeding2018 but some further learning and data is needed pic.twitter.com/0NDql1Y7oR
- @RCPCHPresident Russell Viner: The government is focusing on mental health & obesity prevention. There is good evidence that breastfeeding addresses both these issues. #breastfeeding2018
- Evidence that breastfeeding is protective for obesity is 'overwhelming' @RCPCHPresident #breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting @BDA_Paediatrics
- At #Breastfeeding2018 @RCPCHPresident highlights the importance of breastfeeding to infant health in high income countries & ‘dose dependence’ -some of the slides here: pic.twitter.com/Hyvp3b2RqBhttps://t.co/Hyvp3b2RqBpic.twitter.com/Hyvp3b2RqBhttps://t.co/Hyvp3b2RqBpic.twitter.com/Hyvp3b2RqB
- @RCPCHPresident Russell Viner would like to see more focus on breastfeeding in discussions around obesity prevention. #breastfeeding2018
- @RCPCHPresident Russell Viner talks about reduction in ADULT conditions - Crohns and UC, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, IQ. #breastfeeding2018
- @RCPCHPresident Russell Viner -can’t randomise in breastfeeding research but we can rely on systematic reviews. Good evidence breastfeeding saves lives in high income countries. 30-40% reduction in SIDS. 58% reduction in NEC. ⬇️ in leukaemia & infection. #breastfeeding2018
- We're lucky in high income countries but breastfeeding still makes a difference #breastfeeding2018 @russellviner @RCPCHPresident @wbtiuk @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H pic.twitter.com/7To1JHy99j
- Now at #breastfeeding2018 is @RCPCHPresident Prof Russell Viner talking about why breastfeeding is important for everyone’s health
- Inequalities blight children’s lives but all children would benefit from #breastfeeding @RCPCHPresident #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/L32T23FJqZ
- Now Russell Viner @RCPCHPresident from @RCPCHtweets. ‘With breastfeeding, we have the evidence’. We will have a more productive population in 20 years time, post-Brexit, if we get child health right now - a message for politicians. #breastfeeding2018
- Now for Dr Russell Viner @RCPCHPresident on why #breastfeeding is important for everyone’s health at #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/YdG81VrbBZ
- Fantastic support & information network for GPs and HCPs - groups meeting across the UK and online - see http://www.gpifn.org.uk - @GP_IFN for more info #breastfeeding2018
- GP Dr Santhanam from @GP_IFN talks about the importance of peer support - having time to listen and provide positive support #Breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/SCloJXfOMg
- .@gp_aulait talks about set up of @GP_IFN to share learning and resources with GPs so they can support #breastfeeding mothers #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/fbNfzRlEUx
- 'Not enough to rely on personal experience to inform care' absolutely @gp_aulait #breastfeeding2018
- “Why isn’t more taught about such an important topic?” Women asked about support- report conflicting advice, formula given w/out breastfeeding support, breastfeeding not valued. Commissioners need to understand the impact of positive support. #breastfeeding2018
- @GP_IFN @gp_aulait Sharing a powerful Mother and GP perspective on why peer support is critical - common for Mums to not be listened to and for them to hear conflicting msgs about value of breastfeeding #breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting @BfN_UK
- 'I am astounded by how much I did not know' GP trainee quote regarding infant feeding. Education needed. So glad @babyfriendly are taking steps to create learning outcomes for med students #breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H
- Breastfeeding support in the community: are our families falling through the gaps? https://ukbreastfeeding.org/media/ Follow #Breastfeeding2018
- When Dr Santhanam had her own children she realised how little knowledge about breastfeeding her medical education had given her. Huge gaps in medical training. @GP_IFN aims to help address this and support HCPs. #breastfeeding2018
- First up at #breastfeeding2018 is the brilliant @GP_IFN founder Dr Louise Santhanam - says despite medical training she had little idea about the importance, challenges and joys of infant feeding until she became a breastfeeding mother herself
- @CheryllMa opens @iHealthVisiting conference with important message of getting good support in place for women to breastfeed - support that is non-pushy and empowers her to achieve her goals #breastfeeding2018
- Dr Louise Santhanam from @GP_IFN mentions the loss of the infant feeding survey. Scotland’s figures from 2018, embarrassingly UK’s are 2010! Highlights link between feeding difficulties and maternal mental health. #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/aRtXGlKJMp
- Sharing our @wbtiuk findings and recommendations for improving #breastfeeding support in the community at brilliant conference today "Breastfeeding: a Public Health Priority" with @IHV and @R_S_P_H Follow #Breastfeeding2018
- Now for Dr Louise Santhanam @gp_aulait on her experience on #breastfeeding as a mother and a physician #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/KluvABcma7
- Health visitor survey reported cuts to breastfeeding peer support services yet parents also said that they lacked support to make it work - cuts are senseless and contra evidence #breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting @R_S_P_H
- Cheryll Adams from @iHealthVisiting ‘Health visitors may have caseloads of 500-1000 families. How can they support the breastfeeding mother? Especially if peer support is cut and other colleagues lost. HVs report cuts to peer support & specialist roles.’ #breastfeeding2018
- Opening remarks from @CheryllMa at #breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H . Shocked to hear 45% HVs have a caseload of 500-1000 mothers! pic.twitter.com/jdTJqJetDv
- .@CheryllMa kicks off #breastfeeding2018 talking about recent iHV survey of #healthvisitors on #breastfeeding support...see iHV press release on website for more info. pic.twitter.com/ZD1L74ZKZE
- Pleased to be at the #breastfeeding2018 @iHealthVisiting conference @R_S_P_H today. Looking forward to all the speakers including @shereen_fisher later on!
- Everyone's starting to gather now #Breastfeeding2018 @R_S_P_H @iHealthVisiting 😃 pic.twitter.com/lqo2zeQnP7
- And we’re about to kick off for #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/IBGdcWcxZt
- Read great Voices blog - #Dorset Health Care Changing the Conversation around #Breastfeeding - fab poster resources to share - thank you http://bit.ly/2qFZmvW @DorsetHealth #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/eEmdcHkvP1
- Looking forward to speaking supporting #Breastfeeding2018 at the Institute of Health Visitors conference today @healthvisiting @JonAshworth
- We are looking forward to welcoming delegates to today's #breastfeeding conference with @R_S_P_H and @wbtiuk . Follow the day's proceedings of Breastfeeding: a public health priority on #breastfeeding2018 pic.twitter.com/0ClOsZM4ht
- #Breastfeeding support in the community: families are falling through the gaps http://bit.ly/2Hynfza #healthvisiting #healthvisitors #breastfeeding2018