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Nutrition and healthy weight are key contributors to future health and wellbeing for the whole family, and evidence demonstrates that this is a key public health priority (Early Years High Impact Area 4) throughout the life course, starting in the pre-conception period. It is therefore essential that those working in early years services are equipped to facilitate this work, and health visiting services are excellently placed to work alongside families to support them in making healthy choices.

The Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition programmes offer an evidence-based, holistic approach to upskill practitioners to be confident in having conversations with families around healthy nutrition from the pre-conception period onwards, physical activity and oral health – all of which are significant contributors to healthy weight.

We offer both a Champion and an Ambassador programme in Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition.


Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition options


Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition (HWHN) Ambassadors Training

This one-day course is aimed at those supporting delivery of the health visiting service (skill-mix team) and wider early years workers. It will prepare practitioners to become a place-based advocate of HWHN, using opportunities to share resources and promote Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition with colleagues, local services and families, and equip them to deliver a

1 Day
Health visitors or HV team members

Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition (HWHN) Champions Training

This one-day course is aimed at health visitors or those practising at an equivalent level. It will prepare practitioners to be place-based informal leaders of Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition, using opportunities to influence stakeholders and services around needs of families, to identify gaps locally, and to improve support available. Additionally, the day will equip Champions

1 Day
Health visitors (or equivalent level)
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